Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Building process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Building process - Essay ExampleContaminants instal in construction sets can either be common contaminants, which atomic number 18 found in every construction site or be on the site because they were previously used in the location. There are many several(predicate) kinds of contaminants, including metals (such as lead), inorganic compounds (such as cyanide compounds), pesticide, oils and tars, other organic compounds (such as benzene or toluene), fibers, combustible substances, toxic or explosive gases and radioactive flub (Industry Standard Contaminated Construction Sites 2005).These contaminants can affect peoples short term health as well as their long term one. The people who are liable to be hurt from them arent only the workers staying on the site and working on it, but also other people living, working or counterbalance passing by (Hazardous waste sites 2003). Exposure to contamination in soil, water or fumes in the air can cause harm speedily (acute effects) or cause illness long after exposure (chronic effects). The exposure may cause different health problems, for instance headaches and nausea, breathing difficulties, skin rashes, coloured or kidney problems and even some types of cancer in the long run. If it alone will not cause it, it will certainly be an important federal agent in the creation of the disease. In order to avoid this, one must be careful while in a possibly contaminated site refrain from exposure to the contamination, which can be caused by a number of reasons. It is important to evade direct contact of the contaminated materials with the skin and the eyes.

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