Thursday, June 20, 2019

Reading Response 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Response 7 - Essay Exampleocial networking sites are pellucidstudents feel more connected and display more confidence when they are active participants on social networking sites. From my point of view, teachers who discourage the use of social networking sites only(prenominal) turn students against them. While social networking sites can be used for purposes other than schoolwork, which takes away from studies, there are many instances where social networking sites can assist students performance. imagine for example than a student does not understand a concept completely and requires some additional help. If this is so, that particular student could ask for help from their peers and run into almost an instant response.The article does mention the downsides of using Facebook, such as lower grades, less money from part-time jobs, and loneliness. While all these things must be taken into consideration, I believe that the positives outweigh the negatives, and so social netw orking sites are something that should be encouraged.Lori Aratanis article Teens Can Multitask, But What Are Costs discusses an payoff that is rarely brought up. I can relate to Megan Casady because my life follows a similar trajectory. I am always moving from one task to the next time trying to juggle a few things at a time. But I dont intend that it is all bad because it shows how productive offspring people can be. Teenagers are at an age where they have the energy to go out and do all sorts of stuff, so why not let them have the freedom to do that if they wish? I admit that I do not really think about the consequences of multitasking it is just something that we do. I think it comes from the pressure to be more than we currently are. I mean, there are only so many hours in the day, and it seems like a race to make out as many things done as possible. If people took the time to slow down and concentrate on the small tasks in life, it may lead a healthier individual. This is something that I should maybe take into

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