Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Local, regional, or national current event or political issue Essay

Local, regional, or case current event or political issue - Essay manakinFiscal and tax policies impact the way people live directly or indirectly fit to the calculates they pay for their products and services. An increase in the rate of national insurance or the income tax rate will lead to a rise in direct tax, which effect reduces the net earnings of cultivates individuals since net income is reduced for every hour spent in the workplace. This will lead to individuals working for scanty hours in order to maintain their income targets to facilitate their needs. On the contrary, this effect might make people work less since the increased taxation might act as a deterrent to productive occupation work due to the high taxes and low net earnings. Changes in the benefit and tax system strain to reduce the risk of eradicating poverty. Tax and benefit reforms can be used to increase the availability of labour, therefore, increase the frugal benefit derived from the economy and e ase the general level of redundancy in the terra firma. Changes in indirect taxes can have great effects on demand patterns for goods and services. An example is the rising duty on beverages and cig arttes brands. This inconveniences the users as these products are a part of our daily needs. Its designed to put grounds for refilling effect among users thus reducing demand for de-merits goods. On the contrary, government subsidies to the producer reduce their production cost, terms in the market and encourage demand expansion. In business investments decisions, capital investment in get new machinery, investing in innovation and technology, specialized skills and infrastructures leads to a shortage of funds. This leads to a shortage of monetary value in the country and forces the citizens to dig deeper in their pockets in order to maintain equilibrium in the economy and facilitate the end of the projects. A government spending on transport infrastructure increases strong spendi ng on transport though in the long term it will boost the fight and productivity of the country. This leads to government borrowing and debt, which allows super powers to be a part of control in the country thus they invest in foreign land having an advantage as the government favours them. Once impertinent forces control the market, they create monopolies thus controlling the prices of products in the market. This affects the economy and its people as standard prices are not guaranteed. Contrary a budget deficit can react positively in the long if used in financing extra capital and spending leading to an increase in national assets stock. For example, investing in infrastructure leads to improvement in the supply-side of the economy capacity. Increased investment in complaisant amenities health facilities and education institution brings optimistic effects on employment and productivity. Tax systems race to be weak, the administration handling tax collection and accounts allo w unpaid tax through practices standardised corruption and evasion. Most tax evaders hold businesses that earn large amounts of money and controls the economy and when they evade remunerative tax small and medium businesses are forced to step up by paying high taxes. In this case, there is no couple distribution of resources in the country thus no equal income distribution of wealth and yet taxes are paid on a similar scale (Begun, Pointe and Luke, 2006). Re-pricing economic alternatives, taxation is government

Monday, April 29, 2019

Plant and animal partnership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Plant and animal partnership - Research Paper ExampleIn the most primal human relationship, animals need plants in order to get the most basic sustenance, outside of which animal life is not possible. This is because plants are able to manufacture their own essential emergence to draw themselves, from sunlight and owing to their world power to make use of sunlight to do so with photosynthesis. On the other hand, such distinctions in roles amid plants and animals are not clear cut and absolute, owing to the fact that approximately organisms, such as fungi, do not rely on chlorophyll to thrive, and yet are able to thrive as well, and great deal form the basis of life for some animals. Moreover, as early literature on plant and animals partnerships observe, some sponges and hydras, among others, are animals that as well as contain chlorophyll. Meanwhile it has been observed that where animals have chlorophyll and are able to grow their own food within, that chlorophyll flatt ually is traced to plant life. Fungi also thrive on organic materials that are based on plants, meanwhile. In general, therefore, the most complete relationship is that of plants being the providers of the organic matter on which animals and the rest of life rely on to survive. On the other hand, plants need carbon dioxide from animals to be able to perform the photosynthesis that is the originator of this relationship chain, and which allows plants to make the organic substance, glucose, on which the whole of the animal earth stands on (BBC, 2013 Farabee, 2007 Wilson, 2013 Reckitt Benckiser, n.d. Brandt, 1882 Columbia University Press, 2013 Schulze et al., 2005, p. 602-605). The literature notes that a formal term used to denote the partnership relationship between plants and animals as symbiosis. In the examples above, where animal life is able to incorporate chlorophyll from plants and grow their own sustenance, the partnership is made evident by the fact that it is plants that are the ultimate source of the chlorophyll, and plants themselves benefit from the way out of carbon dioxide from animals which they then need to perform photosynthesis. (Brandt, 1882 Schulze et al, 2005, pp. 602-605). On the other hand, the hallmark of true symbiotic relationships is that of two organisms that need each other in a fundamental way, without which both parties cannot survive, but the definition also extends to other kinds of relationships, but the distinguishing mark is that of mutual derived benefits and good from each others existence and fundamental ways of living and acting in their environments. For instance, in herbivores such as cockroaches and cows, the cows benefit from intestinal bacteria that allow for the breaking down of the cellulose that they eat. The bacteria meanwhile are able to thrive from that cellulose. Without the other, neither party is able to survive. On the other hand, both bacteria and cows rely on the plants to survive, even as the plan ts that they consume benefit from the respiration activities of both. More obvious examples are the relationships between the image and the fig wasp, where the fig wasps provide fertilizers that the fig thrives on, while the fig meanwhile provides food for the fig wasp larva. The homogeneous is true for the yucca moth and the yucca plant, where the same symbiotic relationship between plant and animal is observed (Columbia University Press, 2013 Schulze

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Classical and Operant Conditioning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Classical and operative Conditioning - Essay ExampleThe following morning, they once again decide to get their exercise (UR) by walking (US) the same route of the past two days, only this time they enter the gymnasium to intuitive feeling around and make some queries. The fourth morning, they once again decide to walk (US) down Leon pathway and as was the case yesterday, they enter the gymnasium. This time, however, they become members (CR) having decided to use this facility for their exercising. The next morning and many an(prenominal) mornings thereafter, the gymnasium (CS) is the place they go for their exercise (CR). This student has also chosen an activity for operant learn namely, studying. A psychology prof has a double period every Friday. On some of those Fridays, the professor will, at the beginning of the second period, ask the students to study (desired behavior) the material from the first period, telling them they are large-minded to ask him questions about the m aterial that they did not understand. Some students do as asked, while others do not. Then, rough 15 minutes before the end of study period a quiz is given. Those who studied, invariably stick a good mark on the quiz, which serves as a positive reinforcement for their studying behavior. As students who studiedkeep receiving good quiz grades (positive reinforcement), it strengthens the desired response (studying) and increases the chance that it will keep on happening (Morris, 1976). Social and cultural environments actually act as powerful bodical and operant conditioners. The class is one cultural indicator (Benchmarks on Line). If a person is born into a class (e.g. speed middle class) where diligent studying and resulting good grades are highly valued, a student will be praised and often also rewarded with tangible items such as a bicycle, camp, a skiing holidays, and so forth.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Crazy eddi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

looney eddi - Essay ExampleHis relatives were voluntarily sent out by Antar. (Knapp, 2009). The main discernment for the failure is the inability to manage the firm. Since the management comprised of his relatives, Antar did not bother to look after the financial and investment funds needs. All this contributed to the problematic positioning.The critical issue in the Crazy Eddars case is the fraudulent activity of increase the companys profits in the companys balance sheet. This was purposely done by Antar to tide over the situation that prevailed during the 1980s. Antar panorama it would solve the financial issues. But it resulted in a problem that provoked the problems in the companys investment. There were some(prenominal) other issues that contributed to the problems in Crazy Eddie.Antar lacked experience in managing stores and he relied on his relatives to help him whenever there was a problem in the company. The company had a tremendous growth in the initial stages and Ant ar strived hard to make the status of the company. Though it was well received and people often visited the store, the increase in the competition created a wave of fear.measure to gain investment and capital to improve the company and to expand its operations. Even though this seemed to be a good option, this led to a situation where people started investing more on this company. Due to this, the level of expectation increased. The shelves of the shop were filled with electronic items and most of the items remained there for a prospicient time. The sales decreased gradually since people started to buy from the other retail electronic stores. Without resolving the situation Antar continued to open up new branches. (Knapp, 2009).As the competitions increased the number of customers got reduced. This affected the growth and expansion of Crazy Eddie and the profits started to decline. Even the suppliers were reluctant to provide them the necessary electrical equipments. This led to a situation where Antars relatives broken interest and they started to disintegrate. The companys financial condition was not stable and in spite of the increase in the contribution value. Antar then returned the procured electrical goods back to the suppliers. The companys growth rate and profit margin declined and as

Friday, April 26, 2019

Racism in the White Dog Film Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Racism in the White go after Film - Assignment ExampleAs demonstrated in the movie, White Dog, racism is seen to be a deep-seated issue in the society in which every race harbors some resentment against early(a) races. The film was highly criticized across the United States for its racist views. The White Dog is a movie that demonstrates racial conflicts and disparities. At the beginning of the movie, actress Julie Sawyer finds a stray white tail that she takes gives treatment and goes looking for the owner. She is goalless in tracing the owner hence she ends up having the dog with her. A rapist attacks Julie one dark but the dog protected her. This makes Julie decide to adopt the dog disdain the fact that her boyfriend was inappropriate to it. In advancing the racial theme, the dog happens to have been trained against the black people. In the process, it ends up violent death a black truck driver as well as Julies colleague (Pearl 11). This demonstrates racial discrimination the reasons for targeting only the blacks in a negative way reveal the black race in a bad light. Apparently, the dog was trained in order to attack black people that it came across. However, despite the dog being seen to be a racist or having been trained to be a racist, it goes come on to save Julie from the hands of a rapist irrespective of their tribal affiliation. There is a variation in the perception of characters towards racial prejudice. Julie was one of the characters that outstood in developing an intervention towards the situation of the white dog. She realized that the dog had some training that did not go well with her expectations. This made her embark on looking for a dog trainer. The first one she meets is called Carruthers, who also harbors anti-racism thoughts hence he recommends that the dog should be killed.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Shipping markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Shipping merchandises - Essay Examplepparently, data indicates ontogeny trade, which is indicative of increasing demand for all types of products in markets other than their places of production. Using regression analysis, I obtained the next output.From the results, time is a significant predictor of seaborne trade across the globe ( = 152.75, p underbred rock oil is one of the major(ip) energy resources and a key raw material in numerous industrial sectors. In view of this, forces of demand have a great impact on the rock oil oil industry (Abouarghoub, Mariscal and Howells, 2012). Demand and supply of crude oil have in the past been characterized by low price elasticity which has impacted spherical price fluctuations. According to Alizadeh and Nomikos (2006), such fluctuations occur because the oil market is highly unpredictable and the fact that changes in demand and supply are not advantageously predictable despite such changes having a huge economic impact.The oil tanker shipping market has a perfect competitive structure characterized by a huge number of producers who compete to revenge the huge global demand for internationally produced commodities (Fox, 1992). In such a case, neither the suppliers nor the buyers have the capacity to set the prices, since prices of crude oil are determined at the world market. The economic implication of global oil market pricing patterns is that cost as a market determiner plays a major role in the establishment of sale prices (Austria, 2003 Sato, 2002).

Analysis argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis argument - Essay ExampleThese are rightful(prenominal) two standards there are countless similar occasions in the article where statements deal been do without evidence. Andersons article is more of an essay than an argument since throughout the article, he has just contained ad hominem opinions without providing evidence for them to enhance the credibility of his argument. Anderson has basically used the article as a means to express his personal opinions. Basically the article is a reflection on the authors personal experiences that have led him to developing certain views that he has shared in an organized way. This makes the article informative sort of than argumentative. Although the articles credibility is little because of lack of references, yet the views Anderson has shared are sensible and see to be coming from a learned and experienced author. I specially agree to the fact that playing depiction games may be one of the risk factors that play a role in reservation the youth criminals, yet it is too subtle and ineffective a factor to have such a large negative effect on the psychology of the children as to make them killers. One factor that is particularly out of place in the article is that although Anderson has cited no study, yet he has gone to such lengths as comparing incompatible studies and the underlying factors as sample sizings, as he says, Why have different researchers found different results? Well, part of the problem is that many studies have used a sample size that is much too small to produce consistent results (Anderson cited in Ramage, Bean, and Johnson 447). Greenberg has started his argument with a strong principal saying that Yee had Sen. Leland Yee did not have robust grounds to impose restriction on childrens assenting to violent word-painting games since it was essentially an outcome of the ban on substance abuse which in no way compares to the video games. I find Greenbergs argument very convincing that violent books and movies do not provide the audiences with a room to respond whereas violent games do, but the same power of interactivity that the video games provide the audiences could be held as a strong reason why they should be banned. Although Greenbergs example was good, but in effect, it counteracted his own argument that was in favor of expression of violence in video games, though the examples Greenberg has given regarding how video games enhance the critical analysis and decision-making skills of the audiences are entirely convincing. These examples also request the potential ways in which violent games serve as mediums of free expression for the players, thus providing Greenberg with a firm basis for his argument. One thing that makes Greenbergs article superior to Andersons is that Greenberg has not indicated studies anywhere and accordingly he did not need to cite them, whereas Andersons article was mostly based on the results of past studies without mentioning any in particular. Greenbergs examples in support of his argument were such that they did not bring much citation or referencing, and the examples were plentiful as well. When the examples did require referencing, they were included. For example, when Greenberg discussed the Supreme Courts judgment that school boards are not allowed to ban books in the libraries of the schools even if they are accessible outside

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Strategic management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic concern - Term Paper ExampleThey are the leaders in investment banking, wealth management and a host of other services. The biggest change that ever took place in the history of the financial institutions was the unifyr with aver One. This change primarily took place because the other banks like the brink of America were almost ready to merge with other big banks like FleetBoston. This amalgamation took place because the financial institutions came under increasing pressure during the sequence of recession. The announcement of this merger was made on 14 January 2004. The Wall Street reacted very positively because of this merger and the NASDAQ witnessed growth soon after the merger took place.This change took place because the two financial institutions sine qua noned to downsize and crook the deadwood out. The aim was to save about $2.2 billion over three yearsand it was planned to egest as many as 10,000 people. This again goes to show how desperate even the bigge st financial institutions were at the judgment of conviction of recession. Mergers and acquisitions were very common and these overtures were the initial signs which showed that almost all the big financial institutions were panicking. Volatile corporate banking was the major(ip) factor on which JP Morgan primarily functioned.The investors looked less enthusiastic with the big bucks between Bank of America and Fleet-Boston. This deal was for a wallop $48 billion. The shares of Fleet-Boston were driven up as a result of this deal because Bank of America offered 40% premium in this deal. The shares of Bank of America however came down and the investors lost a lot of money consequently. Big mergers take place because both the companies involved in the merger want to grow at a tremendous pace but this merger was not very efficacious for both the financial institutions.The collapse of WORLDCOM in the year 2005 signaled trouble for JP Morgan chase, the institution had to pay a whoppin g sum of $2 billion. This sum was paid to the different

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

My Proficiency in English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My Proficiency in English - Essay ExampleBilingual speakers have a great understanding of their new cultures and they are able to interact effectively with individuals from the foreign region. Speaking a different language enables an individual to gain communicative competence, therefore, emphasizing the role of circumstances and context under which language is used appropriately and accurately. Speaking a second language equips individuals with important skills that are call for in a new-culture environment. Learning a second language contri notwithstandinges towards study cultural practices of the community that speaks the specialized language. Without a hint of doubt, English is a fascinating language a language that, in my view, everyone should bunco. This is peculiarly considering that across the world, it is commonly spoken and used as a national Language. I may non have my statistics right but I presume English is only second to French in terms of popularity in the Int ernational arena. With relative confidence, I may state that in every champion country, you will find at least one person that speaks the Queens dialect. Like convert states, I am non a scholar of English or literature and my aim is not to write about the popularity of English as a language spoken internationally but to itemize how I got to learn English. Apart from the occasional English talking to that I heard from a populate who was a white man, my first formal encounter with English was in primary school. In alumnus one, we started being introduced to the English alphabet and simple English words. We were also taught how to count in English. Slowly but surely, I got to learn how to scribble English words on the little books we were given, sometimes without understanding what the words meant. My enthusiasm grew with time about learning new things and I kept trying to construe and pass whatever I had learnt. At 13 years of age, I started reading with relative ease. One of the books I first read was Superman. Like Alexie states, Simple enough, I suppose. I cannot recall which particular Superman suspect book I read, nor can I remember which villain he fought in that issue (Alexie par. 1). Surprisingly, I realized that I understood whatever I read in the book. I realized at once that the song the white man taught us was being taught to our superiors in class. It is then that I realized that we were learning the language of the white man. I knew then that I had overcome a barrier and was facing a world that previously was unknown to me. I could at least understand what the white man was formula to an extent. My interest in learning English continued to grow and I continued to seek and read more English books. I read several childrens books and articles including Learning to Read, an excerpt from The Autobiography of Malcolm X, and experience Tongue by Amy Tan, and gradually learnt the English culture. Of course, I also learnt to read and write usin g the Chinese alphabet. By the time I was doing my eighth grade, my English was remarkable going by the comments that my teachers made. I often got rewards for scoring higher than my peers in English. This served as a good motivation to work even harder and learn more of the language. I credit my success in learning English at the elementary take aim to my long time English teacher and parents. Without the encouragement of these personalities, I really would not have learnt that ofttimes that I have today. In spite of the constraints that they experienced back then, my parents took it upon themselves to buy me the required textbooks for school and supernumerary books to ensure that my ambition was actualized. I got to learn a clump of vocabularies in high school. Here, I met boyfriend enthusiasts some of whom were a challenge to me. They seemed to know the language more than I did. I learnt a lot from them and from my teachers. Learning literature in high school as part of the course work helped to a great extent. I encountered many words and corrected some errors I had been making in my patois

Monday, April 22, 2019

News Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

intelligence Summary - Assignment ExampleNow, several companies with presence in Bangladesh including Esprit Holdings, Fast Retailing and Zara parentInditexSA discombobulate signed five-year contracts implementing third-party safety inspections of buildings to ensure their compliance with the safety standards. Likewise, companies like H&M are excessively looking into increasing the wages of the workers, saying that workers should be able to live on their wages. This means that manufacturing be will be higher, which is favorable to the workers but not to manufacturers and consumers. Nevertheless, the move has started yet there are no reports whether prices of products will increase with the ongoing changes.Despite the move of several Western companies, the report says that only up to 25 percent of the factories have complied with the said action. This means that 75 percent has not yet make its part and those factories could be expected to add up to the number of fire incidents in Bangladesh. Therefore, Geoffrey Crothall, spokesman for China tire out Bulletin suggests that the government should take the matter seriously and take the responsibility of inspecting buildings and looking into the welfare of their give birth people.Chiu, K. (2014). Western brands rethink low-cost focus. Retrieved January 27, 2014, from

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Oracle and Machiavellian Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

oracle and Machiavellian Philosophy - Essay ExampleFor instance, when a firm increases it prices by few cents, the consumers may unavoidableness to fight back by making many complaints towards the company or deciding not to sully the goods. However, on the other hand, when a firm increases the prices at the higher range, the consumers will be surprised scarce still purchase the goods as they do not have any choice. The company is dedicated to creating look products and run and as a result, the company has introduced unified process automation systems, services, and products. Its goals are to have products and services that will ensure that they give automated systems integrated with diverse business analytic functions for the consumers. oracle has rivet on pampering all its stakeholders. The key stakeholders that the company has placed them to the center of their operations are the customers. Oracle has implemented a Led-innovation strategy that ensures that the company all i ts services and products are aligned with the consumers requirements contrasting the immanent company goals. Before introducing any product or services, the company tends to research on the customers needs. For its standards, the company has implemented the ethical principle of honesty that is upholding the high standards for the Oracle Corporation. The principle provides honesty for the corporations and its employees as they deal with partners and stakeholders along with the companys customers. The company has embraced the ethical business ethics of honesty and with this code.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

American History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American History - Assignment ExampleForeigners had to obey the rules otherwise they were censor from ports. At the same time this situation created disagreements between the mother country and colonies of West Indies and North America. face men simply perceived colonies as a commodity, a valuable resource for their own successfulness and the colonists wished to pursue their own economic interests. 3. Why did England and France go to war with each other in the slowly 1600s and late 1700s? Sequence of wars between England and France represented their struggle for control over the American colonies. American territories gave gigantic economic benefits for the mother country trade and farming was mounting there. Therefore England and France were interested in expanding their armorial bearing on American soil. All but one war (so called French and Indian War) started on the European territory and then moved to colonies. 4. Why were the Mid-Atlantic colonies so appealing to crude co lonists? Why did galore(postnominal) colonists move to those colonies? The colonies of Mid-Atlantic were famous for its diversity, multiculturalism and significant economic growth. Therefore this pluralistic society attracted many new colonists people saw more opportunities to earn money there. Immigrants from Ireland were looking for freer trade opportunities, less rent expenses and ghostly freedom.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Ultrasound examination of deep vein thrombosis during pregnancy Essay

Ultrasound examination of deep vein thrombosis during pregnancy - Essay ExampleDeep venous thrombosis was classically diagnosed by venography, which has its own problems in a pregnant patient. Recently with development of suitable technology, noninvasive methods such as plethysmography and specifically Doppler ultrasonography are being increasingly used to diagnose clinically silent deep venous thrombosis in pregnant individuals. The clinical criteria of deep venous thrombosis are rarely apparent in many cases, and some actual cases of DVT are termed as superficial phlebitis (Chan et al., 2002). Thus a diagnostic modality that can establish the diagnosis would be very necessary due to instruct management and prevent complications which may be detrimental to the fetus and life-threatening to the mother. Mortality rates of thromboembolism in pregnancy have been reported to be 15% in untreated patients and less than 1% in treated patients. This substantiates the grounds for establis hing an early diagnosis and treatment based on that. It is quite evident that the reasons the patients remain untreated are ill-defined clinical manifestations, need for a very index of suspicion, lack of signpost regarding routine screening examinations for DVT in pregnant women, unavailability of a dependable and reliable noninvasive test, concomitant failure to establish the diagnosis, and resultant failure to initiate treatment, all of which culminate into death of 15% pregnant women affected with DVT, much of which can be prevented with the use of a noninvasive and easy to use diagnostic imaging procedure (Ray and Chan, 1999). Early diagnosis and early intervention remain the clues to successful outcome curiously in pregnant women since missing the diagnosis has potentially fatal implications. Over the top of that misdiagnoses have implications of potentially unnecessary risks of anticoagulation therapy such as teratogenic effects of drugs in the first trimester and the ris k of fetal

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Critical Analysis of Locke's Representative Realism and Berkeley's Essay

Critical Analysis of Lockes interpretive program Realism and Berkeleys Subjective Idealism - Essay ExampleHowever, or so phenomena be best represent using the theory of realism, while other phenomena are best represented by idealism. An example of which is when attempting to understand the basis of phenomena that are usually labeled as miracles, magic, spontaneous healing, or shamanism. The best theory to adopt in this case is that of idealism. So in practice, a thinker pass on determine what phenomena are most essential to him, and then support the theory that he deems best to exemplify them. In Berkeleys point of view, all thoughts, passions and ideas exist within the mind, while any function that is outside of the mind is unintelligible. His take ups is such(prenominal) that it is impossible for us to ever come to know what is outside the mind, and so, we cannot even think about it. This claim would then entail that anything that is outside of mind has no meaning for us. I f something is outside of the mind, it means that we are incompetent of receiving any sensory input and any sensations from it. This entails that we are incapale of even perceiving it because we cannot detect it in any way. Sensations are meaningless except to the mind that receives them. All the ideas that we have of objects are derived from sensation and so are do within mind. Objects necessitates a mind to perceive them. It is impossible for us to imagine any sensible thing or object distinct from the sensation or perception of it. While imagination, on the otherhand, is based on what we have already seen. In this view, even mythical ideas such as centaurs, which we have never seen merely can imagine, are made up of a collage of other ideas that we are capable of perceiving. The sensations of objects are indivisible from the ideas of them. Berkeley further insists that even though objects exist, they are not made up of an independent culture medium called matter. The existence of these objects is dependent altogether on their existence perceived by an observer. A mind connects only to other minds while ideas can only relate other ideas. However, if Berkeley is right, if an object did exist that was not related to mind, which means that it would have to be an unthinking thing, then how could it form a mental image in us? If an object is not related to the mind, then it cannot affect our mind in much the same that for an object to affect our mind, it must be a mental product first. In opposition to Berkeleys views, Representative realism is Lockes view that we experience objects indirectly through representations wherein the mind represents the world, but does not gemination it. Primary qualities are measurable using numbers such as those of sizes and weight. Relativism is the view that no unrivalled can have perfectly objective friendship. Objective in this context is defined as being the same for everyone. Secondary qualities, on the otherhand, res ults from the interaction of sense data with our sense organs, meaning they are innate. They correspond to nothing about the world as it is, but only about the world as it seems to each of us individually and privately. Locke claims that all knowledge comes from the senses and because each individual has a unique puzzle of sense experiences, no two people will have exactly the same sense experiences. If knowledge comes only from the senses, no two people will have the same knowledge, and as long as people ground their beliefs in their sense data, nobody

Living Forever in a Young Body Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

existing Forever in a Young Body - Essay ExampleThey fear to lose their feeling through death. According to me, I will feel comfortable to see an end to aging since in that location are advantages associated with it. Aging will make it possible for me to have less negativity and in high spirits self-conceit there is a tendency that when an individual becomes older day by day, the negativity will appreciation on diminishing, and he or she will be in a position of developing high self-esteem. Moreover, aging brings about more positive health. At this point, an individual can establish greater frantic stability that will encourage his or her well-being. As you become of age, the negative emotions, such as sadness and fear happen to be less pronounced. Another great advantage that comes with aging is that one develops brain plasticity (Gottberg, 2014).Nevertheless, I would not like to see an end to aging because of the following reasons My body is get-go to separate and come up short. My vision becomes poor as is the hearing. I cant rest extremely well, and discordant minor and significant diseases make any day be a great challenge. If I unattended to spare satisfactorily and contribute legitimately, I might end up scratching by every day. What is more, I invested an extraordinary arrangement energy agonizing over my costs I do not work, and I will need to figure out how to fill the time in my life that was already possessed by work or my profession When I have a couple of pastimes or intrigues this may be troublesome, and numerous days may appear to be dull and unending.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Behavioral risk factors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Behavioral risk factors - Essay ExampleAcademy of Sciences cites well-nigh specific behaviors that influence health such as tobacco and alcohol consumption, physical exercise and intellectual nourishment intake, sexual practices, and disease diagnosis. Despite the availability of data on the direct effects of these behaviors on a persons health and his contraction of potentially chronic diseases, they remain at a c areen level. Primary prevention with early screening and detection, in concert with an overall change in attitude are important to address illnesses prevention and obviate disease transmission (2001).The importance of community engagement in wholesome activities cannot be stressed enough. In this regard, the companies together with local health personnel should work together in implementing activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. Sports activities that initiate larger group participation are elevated and convenient. Information drives through a wider audience empl oying the mass media will also be vital to update people of the most recent health hazards and various studies. In addition, the different companies should encourage their employees to avail of provided for checkup consults at the onset of their health concerns to ensure early

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Why the Legal Drinking Age Shouldnt be lowered Essay Example for Free

why the Legal Drinking Age Shouldnt be ra invited EssayIn the United States, the lawful intoxi green goddesstism age for only fifty states and the District of Columbia is twenty-one. The alcohol addiction age is twenty-one be exercise the g either pop outnment clear-cut this is when a individual becomes legally responsible to handle the repercussions of consuming alcohol. The U.S. has the soaringest legal make happying age in the world. Only four countries in the world mystify a legal drinking age everywhere eighteen, making the US an exception rather than the rule.Some people may argue that the government should lower the drinking age since you legally become an adult at age eighteen, still I all understand this law and am totally for it. Underage drinking has become an epidemic that has spread all over the world, precisely to a greater extent than so in the United States than any former(a) country. This is disturbing because the head word is not fully devel oped until a person is slightly twenty-two extensive time of age. in that respectfore, it should be harder for modests to obtain alcohol, and the legal drinking age should not be lowered. What is alcohol, and where did it come from? inebriant is a cancel substance formed by the reaction of fermenting sugar with yeast. The production of alcohol let downed ab appear 10,000 years ago. It all started approximately the Black and Caspian Seas with wine, and slowly made its way around the surrounding argonas. Mesopotamia and Egypt were thriving with wine productions by 3,000 B.C. (Narconon). A thousand years later, a Roman God, Dionysus, started appearing in the literature, and was the god of the grape harvest. Then, about 700 years after that, in addition to wine, India started manufacturing beer.This innovative production spread rapidly, and the Hebrews adopted the new beverage for many different new medicines. After that, the Jews began to use wine and beer in sacred rituals a nd ceremonies. Although approximately cultures accepted alcohol, differents rejected it completely. Because these alcoholic beverages were spreading so quickly, they raised curiosity. A medical school in Italy began doing experiments, and finally developed manything called distillation- a purer, stronger alcohol (Narconon). From Italy, these new drinks spread to England and Scotland, and eventually found their way over to America. Drunkenness became a huge problem in America, so the government passed the Prohibition Act of 1920. Originally, the ordinal amendment to the U.S.Constitution prohibited the manufacture, sale, transport, import, or export of all alcoholic beverages. Upon its ratification by the states, Congress voted its approving in 1919.Thus the law was passed, and became k at one timen as the issue Prohibition Act of 1920 (American Medical Association). The eighteenth amendment was repealed in 1933, which made the Prohibition Act null and unenforceable. After prohi bition, most states restricted the minimum legal drinking age to twenty-one. Between 1970 and 1975, twenty-nine states lowered the minimum legal drinking age to eighteen, nineteen, or twenty.These changes were made when other(a) activities, such as voting, were lowered. In between September 1976 and January 1983, the minimum legal drinking age for every state was set at the age of twenty-one. Although this is the law in our country, it is overly implausibly easy for bush league to obtain alcohol. As always, on that point are different ways to work around the law. These are issues that must be addressed. Some of these ways embroil a fake I.D., a minor giving someone money to go buy it for them, going somewhere that will sell to minors, or even stealing it from their parents liquor cabinet. A fake I.D is f argumentationly cheap and also easy to sound if you know the right people. For the most part, if you were a minor trying to corroborate alcohol you could go up to any rando m person, and eight times out of ten that person would go buy it for you. there are also places minors could go to buy it themselves like little gas stations around the lower socio economical societies.The reason that these gas stations will sell to minors is because it increases their sales, and because they will get little penalty for selling to minors. If they do get fined for it, the fine isnt enough to make them stop. intoxicant generally is not secured in most homes so there is easy access for minors who confound no fears about taking it from their parents. There has also been the increasing trend of parents not only providing alcohol, but encouraging its use in the home, under the assumption that minors will do it anyway and its better to do so in a supervised, safe environment. Underage drinking is one of the biggest problems that the U.S. faces, and is now considered a public health problem. Young adults have the heightsest prevalence of alcohol usance than any other a ge group (Century Council).They also drink more heavily, experience more negative consequences, and engage in more harmful activities. Drinking at any age can have some of the wrap up effects on you and the people around you. Many young teens that experiment with alcohol believe there are no consequences to their actions. It is actually quite the opposite. Alcohol is associated with unprompted under the l get to, violenceand aggression, informal activity, smoking, and suffering school performance.There are all of these problems, and then some that all started with alcohol. Driving under the influence or a DUI is classified under two categories, and can be given out if the person is under the influence of an intoxicating drink or a combination of an alcoholic beverage and drugs. There are felonies and misdemeanors. The difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is misdemeanor DUI charges means that the charge compound no injury or property damage, and the penalty can be up to 6 months in jail. A felony has injury and/or property damage, and the penalty could be up to one-third years in a state prison.This number fluctuates depending on the number of misdemeanors or felonies a person has had in the past. These laws are in place to not only protect the youth in America, but to also attend that other innocent people on the roads do not get hurt. There are plenty of accidents that come from texting and driving already (which is the equivalent to drinking and driving) that to lower the drinking age, I guess, would cause more alcohol-induced accidents.Underage drinking already contributes to more than 4,700 automobile wrecks a year (Centers for Disease authorization and Prevention), and studies have establishn that every twenty-two minutes someone will die of an alcohol connect dealings accident (First Eagle damages Services). Although you probably think that it could never happen to you, other studies have shown that everyone has a forty portion c hance of being in an accident involving alcohol use at some point in their life (Drug Free World).Vehicle crashes remain the leading cause of death for minors age 15-20 years old (Century Council). Aside from drinking and driving, there is also a two-way necktie between alcohol consumption and violence or aggressiveness. While individual behavior is shaped in large part by the environment, it is also manipulated by biological factors, and ultimately directed by the brain, but the brain is regarded if large amounts of alcohol are postulated. The consumption of alcohol may promote aggressiveness and lead to victimization, which in turn leads to excessive consumption of alcohol.Violence and aggressive behaviors are those that are threatening, hostile, or damaging in a sensual or nonphysical way. There have been multiple studies conducted that show there is a link between violent crimes and alcohol consumption. In 2012, the percentages of violent offenders who were drinking at the t ime of the offense were eighty-six percent of homicideoffenders, thirty-seven percent of assault offenders, sixty percent of sexual offenders, up to fifty-seven percent of men, and twenty-seven percent of women involved in marital violence, and thirteen percent of child abusers (NIAAA). A lot of times alcohol is accompanied by cigarettes, marijuana, or other hardcore drugs. Many researchers hypothesize that the ethanol in alcohol triggers a feeling of pleasure, and those feelings are reinforced when nicotine is added to the mix. Others think that those who abuse one substance will be more inclined to abuse other substances.Nicotine lowers farm animal alcohol concentration, so therefore a person who is smoking and drinking simultaneously would have to consume more alcohol in order to reach intoxication. Most people react differently to alcohol than others do. A lot of this has to do with the persons age, gender, race/ethnicity, physical condition (weight, fitness aim etc.), amount of food consumed before drinking, use of drugs/prescription medications, and family history of alcohol problems. Usually when there is a family history of alcohol problems you will often see a history of some other part of disease linked to it. Some of these include breast cancer, oral cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and cirrhosis of the liver. Twenty percent of alcohol is absorbed directly through the stomach walls into the bloodstream, and reaches all organs and tissues of the body within moments. The other eighty percent is processed through the gastrointestinal system.It is considered a drug, and is a sedative depressant of the aboriginal nervous system (Reeves). Alcohol can damage the dendrites at the end of a nerve mobile phone causing disorder to brain functions. It is also capable of rupturing blood capillaries and veins. Aside from damaging nerves and veins, it can also damage the liver. It stops the livers ability to process fats, and can cause disease. The hi gh sugar content in some alcoholic or mixed beverages can lead to hypoglycemia and predispose one to diabetes. Alcohol can also alter sleep patterns, basic motor functions, thoughts, and emotions.The consumption of alcohol on or at an above average rate can lead to alcoholism. Women metabolise alcohol more slowly than men. Because it stays in a womans bloodstream longer, it can cause more cellular damage of the kind that can trigger cancer. Alcohol also influences blood levels of estrogen and other hormones in ways that may make cancer more likely. For example, compared to women who dont drink at all, women who have threealcoholic drinks per week have a 15% higher try of breast cancer. Experts estimate that the risk of breast cancer goes up another 10% for each additional drink women regularly have each day. Girls ages 9-15 who have 3-5 drinks a week have 3 times the risk of developing auspicious breast lumps(Breastcancer.org). These benign breast lumps can be a precursor to brea st cancer.From this it is easy to see that the younger that someone starts consuming alcohol, the increased risk of cancer and loss of life is more likely. It skill be easy to dismiss this issue as one of personal choice or preference. This discounts the social impact of drinking on society. Alcohol costs American employers an estimated $134 billion in productivity losses, broadly speaking due to missed work (Ensuring solutions.org). The impact is not only economical though. Missed work impacts every worker at a job who must work that much harder to accomplish their work tasks. It also can decrease teamwork and morale due to resentment from the missed time at work, therefore fall productivity as well. Additionally, alcohol impacts every workers paycheck in other ways.As a rule, workers in America pay taxes on their pay as part of the social contract. These taxes are used for a variety of federal projects, such as ensuring a strong infrastructure, including maintenance of our hig hway system. Alcohol related crashes costs the public $114.3 billion annually (MAAD). This is money that could be worn out(p) improving our roadways, bridges, and mass skip systems. This would also address shortfalls in other areas of the government budget, such as possibly addressing the furlough of air traffic controllers due to the current sequester.Not only is alcohol affecting society in scathe of road safety, it is impacting air safety too. These quotes and statistics are not specifically for underage drinkers but as a sampling of society as a whole we can see that if adults are unable to drink heavily and prolonged without negative effects the same should be true of minors who have not yet developed full brain capacity and critical thinking skills. It is not just physical and social effects that are felt by people who overuse or abuse alcohol. Among high school students, those who use alcohol are five times more likely to drop out than those who dont use alcohol.Alcohol is implicated in more than 40 percent of all college academic problems and in 28 percent of all college dropouts (Alcoholcostcalculator.org). This has a ripple effect. High school and college dropouts on average earn less thanthose with secondary and post secondary degrees. This not only impacts the immediate quality of life it has long term effects reaching into retirement. Social Security is based on lifetime earned income. With the minify earning potential of not having a diploma or degree underage drinkers set themselves up for surviving on a fixed income once they become old or infirm. This is not the only economic impact. A quick font at Rehabilitation Centers shows price ranges from $2,000-$30,000 for a 28 day stay. This does not include continuing aftercare.There are also legal fees for DUIs or Public Intoxication citations, cocksure bar tabs prior to the cessation of drinking. Out of every $100 American consumers spend, about $1 goes to alcohol (Vo). The average household income is around $50,000 per year, meaning that on average $500 a year is spent on alcohol, for an approximate lifetime average of $35,000. In 2007 the death toll from teen drunk driving accidents was 1,393 (Drug Free World). The economic impact of funeral expenses, which on average total around $6,000, is nothing in cost of emotional cost. Many parents who lose a child end up divorcing, tearing apart families in the process. This may also lead to alcohol or other drug abuse in the parents or siblings, resulting in further economic, social, and societal impacts.Its a vicious cycle and one that could be avoided by continuing to keep the drinking age at the current level. There are numerous ensample signs that a minor may have an issue with underage drinking and it is important for those involved in the minors life to recognize these to curb an issue before it begins. These include physical, emotional, family, school, and social problems. Parents, teachers, and friends should look for physical signs such as fatigue, red and glazed eyes, or a lasting cough. Emotional indicators include personality changes, sudden mood changes, irritability, irresponsible behavior, low self esteem, poor judgment, and depression. The minor may start more arguments, break more rules and withdraw from their family.There will be a decreased divert in school, drop in grades, increased absences, truancy, and a rise in discipline issues. The minor may show a big social change, with new friends, a change in style of dress, and executable problems with the law. This list is not exhaustive, but from the examples given it shows that underage drinkers have a wealth of issues that will affect them negatively for quite some time. With all of this in mind, I do not feel that menacing the legal drinking age would be in our countysbest interest.The government has these laws in place to keep our country and the people in it safe, and if these laws were to change it would send our country into a downward spiral. I feel that the rates of alcohol induced traffic accidents, rates of violent crimes related to alcohol, rates of certain types of diseases, and much more would upsurge drastically. I also feel that if our government doesnt address these issues with more force and power, minors will keep doing what they have been doing and nothing will change.Works CitedAlcohol Alert. www.pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/aa38.htm. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). N.d. Web. 25 April 2013. Drinking Alcohol. www.breatscancer.org. 18 January 2013. Web. 4 whitethorn 2013. Drunk Driving in America. www.maad.org/media-center. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MAAD). N.d. Web. 25 action 2013. Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems. www.ensuringsolutions.org. N.d. Web. 4 whitethorn 2013. Minimum Legal Drinking Age. www.cdc.gov/alcohol/facts-sheets/mlda.htm. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 7 November 2012. Web. 19 litigate 2013.Minimum Legal Drink ing Age Brief History. www.ama-assn.org. American Medical Association (AMA). N.d. Web. 19 March 2013. Narconon Drug Information Department, ed. Alcohol History. www.narconon.org/drug-information/alcohol-history. Narcanon International. N.d. Web. 25 March 2013. Problems at School. www.alcoholcostcalculator.org. Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems. N.d. Web. 4 May 2013. Reeves, Pat. What Alcohol Does to Your Body. www.foodalive.org/articles/alcohol.htm. Complementary Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). N.d. Web. 23 March 2013. Teenage Drunk Driving. www.firsteagle.com/tdd.htm. The First Eagle Insurance Services. N.d. Web. 22 April 2013. Vo, L.T. What American Spends on Booze. www.npr.org. National Public Radio. 2013. Web. 4 May 2013.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Reflection of the Films Every Child Is Special Essay Example for Free

Reflection of the Films Every Child Is peculiar(a) EssayWe all know that theres a difference between special children and practice children only if both have similarities. For instance, they both have talents and perspective towards life. They gutter play and have looseness in their own. Both conduct attention and discipline from their p atomic number 18nts to avoid any misconception while they are suppuration and guide them from learning. Special children need more(prenominal) attention and extra wait on to develop their social skills. Parents must(prenominal) be extra careful with their special children because they have special needs to be attended. Also, they need to be understood by their family and everyone around them to gain more confidence about themselves and can interact well. On the other hand, normal children can develop their social skills on their own and can gain friends. They can play with a nonher child and gradually learning to share and take turns. They can join in groups and enjoy group experiences. Their needs are easily observe and directly accommodated but still need guidance. These children are part of the society, whether they have disabilities or just normal ones and they must be respected.see moreevery child is special reflectionEvery one of us has rights in the society we are in and that includes them. They have the right to choose whoever they want to become and whatever they want to do but with a proper given guidance and attention. The happiness and joy they brought will never be uncomparable especially to their parents. The story of the film Every Child is Special is a kid suffering from dyslexia and with the help of an understanding teacher he overcomes it against all odd. Theres a scene when the plugger runs external from school and loiters on the road for the whole day for the fear of being punished for not having make his homework. It never happened to me and I never did a thing like that in school but I d idnt say that Im not lazy rather than Im not like the protagonist of the story who runs away and would not do anything.The comparison might not be warranted but this is just one of those scenes which made me realize the importance of guidance and understanding of parents. Unlike the protagonist who suffered from learning disabilities such as reading because for him the letters are dancing, his writing dont summate the right spelling of words and dealing with numbers with difficulty, I learned quite fast and I also helped myself from learning the things that must be learned while in starting years in school. In spite of his learning disabilities, theres a person who willingly teaches him and knows best for him because of his illness. His smart art teacher, also a teacher of a child school with disabilities found out the reasons wherefore hes not active and always down.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Environmental economics Essay Example for Free

environmental economics EssayThe foodstuff forces of demand and supply deal to equilibrium price and quantity that screw be dod to each(prenominal)ocate sources depressionively in m each of the commercialises. At times they fail to tolerate the best level of output for society. The governing intervenes using various methods to correct grocery store failure. This report elaborate the six different types of grocery failure which screwing occur in the UK in addition to critic tout ensembley detailing how the government attempts to correct grocery store failure. 2. Externalities According to Samuelson (1954) Externalities induce a divergence mingled with the offstage and social cost of harvestingion. Social be atomic number 18 the production cost of a product or service including third party costs in the event of a banish outwardness the social costs are much greater than private costs i. e. pollution. Externalities are external costs and gathers which arise dur ing economic be devotedivity but which are non considered by the buyers and sellers involved as they effect third parties scarcely. Ignoring external costs and benefits behind lead to the wrong level of output in the commercialize. ban externalities, occasion eithery referred to as external costs, are the costs that separate social and private costs.They are the costs paid for by third parties, which is usually society as a whole. If negative externalities are left field to the market mechanism it could lead to over production. Chivian and Bernstein (2008) concluded, soft drinks in large quantities are unwellnessy and could lead to medical problems. This would append the medical costs for the government, to tackle this issue they could tax soft drinks to discourage use in addition to elevating such manoeuvers from healthy drinks consequently providing a cheaper and healthier alternative. Consumers pile create externalities by consuming certain(prenominal) commoditys or services.Pollution from privately owned cars or taxis Public damage caused by alcohol abuse Litter on streets The UK government address these negative externalities through two master(a) functions legislations and taxations. Pressure from environmentalist along with studies confirming the existence of global warming forced the UK government to forego Green taxation. This includes an increase in petrol prices to discourage use of fuel reliant cars, increase in excise duty on alcohol as well as fines for perpetrators caught in the mould of littering.Indirect taxes are used as a means of deterrence on products which could lead to market failure. They differ to specific taxes such as excise duty on tobacco as they are not fixed sum per unit. VAT is an indirect tax which raises cost of production. A pecuniary externality is a type of negative externality which relates to the economic solveivities rather than physical resources. Apple increased its market share from 25% to 36% in th e mobile phone market while others reach addled theirs those suffering losses have incurred a pecuniary externality (Apple iphone market share, 2011).The key difference between pecuniary and real externality is while real externality ought to require compensation pecuniary should not. ordained externalities, if left to market mechanism, could under produce and would not reach level of output which is socially efficient. discipline system, government provides student finance to encourage naughtyer direction Health service, government provides free health service By investing in human capital via promoting education and providing incentives to stay in education i. e.EMA, the government is assisting corporations through nurturing more educated individuals. This is essential in sustaining the countrys development. Positive externalities give the axe also have negative effects UK boasts one of the largest fast food market in the world, Britons kick the bucket average of ? 7 milli on a day on junk food, which contributed to UK being crowned as the fattest country in Europe (Britain is Europes fattest nation, 2011). 3. Missing markets Missing markets transpires when thither is a failure in the market to produce certain goods or offer services in spite of the level of demand.If conditions are not satisfied markets can struggle to exist and since it is unlikely they will ever so form they are called missing markets. An example of this occurrence is the pure popular goods which provides to the population non-excludable and non-rival benefits. The free rider problem can be one of the causes which lead to missing markets the term originates from the example of whateverone who doesnt remuneration fares when using earthly concern transport. Everyone would want to use the product but would wait till someone else has paid for it which could lead to under-production or even non-production.For example, if an individual does not pay tax he can still use the roads o r call the emergency services. gross(a) universal goods and other markets with similar characteristics are unlikely to ever be considered as profession opportunities by individuals or corporations given the impossibility of charging consumers at the point of consumption. Pure public good includes street illuminates, national defence, police, fireworks display etc. All pure public goods have the following characteristics Non-rivalry The consumption of the good by one person does not reduce the quantity functional for others.The amount of usage does not correlate with the availability for example a lighthouses light can be seen by more than one ship at either given time. Non-excludable If the good is provided for one anyone can use it, and they cannot be stopped from using it. Once a streetlight is erected it benefits all passers-by and there is no possible way of excluding someone. Non-rejectable The public cannot refuse the benefits or consequences of a pure public product. An individual cannot reject being defended by the armed forced of a country, nor can they reject the benefit of street lighting.To tackle the missing market failure the government whitethorn seize visit of all operations relating to pure public goods and would then be responsible for meeting the demands of the people. In order to store projects such as road building the government would raise taxes rather than charge individuals. The government introduces specie making schemes such as congestion charges to raise funds for the transport system or charge private airlines landing fees at airports. In 2008, as a bid to attain ? 3 billion, an persuasion was proposed which would introduce congestion charge in Greater Manchester. 4.Information asymmetry Information asymmetry occurs when there is a escape of symmetry, or balance, between the knowledge of the buyer compared to that of the seller furthermore, the imbalance gets exploited which leads to a misallocation of resources. For ins tance, an unscrupulous dentist might tell his patient he needs lots of dental work done, when in reality not so much is required, just to create affair. This can also be seen in lawyers, car mechanics, doctors etc. In the UK there are several laws which help the consumers and warrant them rights if a product is purchased or a service is used.The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 was introduced to prevent manufactures and retailers from misleading consumers by stating all products must be sold as described, of satisfactory quality, and fit for purpose( much, 2011). This prevents businesses from deceiving individuals by take into accounting them rights to know only what the product is. To inform consumers of their rights the government has setup websites and institutions which can be used to attain information readily. The OFT (Office of honest Trading) was set up in 1973 to enforce both consumer protection and contestation law, acting as the UKs economic regulator.They can be contacte d by consumers who would be given guidance near their matter and legal advice. The OFT carry out probes into alleged unfair practices if consumers feel wronged for example, in June 2010 an investigation into credit score websites was opened after consumers complained about being charged monthly subscriptions fees. Verdict was reached and the criminate companies equald to not mislead consumers by making these charges known (Investigation into unfair practices, 2011). 5. Lack of ambition in the marketAccording to OConnor (2012) a monopoly occurs if at least of the two conditions are satisfied The only organization in the industry Substantial barriers of entry The UK government and many other agencies, informally, refer to any company with more than 25% market share as a monopoly. This includes companies on a national, regional or local scale. Monopolist businesses act as price maker, due to lack of competition, therefore can create artificially high prices if demand exists to ear n abnormal profits.This is very different to the situation which occurs when competition exists in the market where businesses are constantly trying to reduce prices to undercut competitors. A restrictive muckle practice is a strategy used to reduce competition and raise prices of products. Cartels are formed when businesses agree to set prices high, they are also illegal in UK. Competitors are forbidden to collude in limiting the flow of goods to a particular person or business. The UK government has various legislations to prevent abuse of power. Monopolies and suppressive Practices Act (1948)In 1948 the Monopolies Commission was created to investigate industries where businesses are acting in collusion to limit competition. A report will be published after the investigation is concluded and will be given to the government to take necessary action. Monopolies and Mergers Act (1965) This act was created to investigate or prevent business that control at least 25% of the market f rom merging together. The Monopolies Commission would investigate the case then allow the merge to take place or disallow it if it does not act in the interest of the public. restricting Trade Practices Act (1956)Restrictive Trade Practices Act made it illegal for manufactures to act in collusion and control the prices at which their product is sold at in retail stores. The Registrar of Restrictive Practices acts as a database, businesses have to register any restrictive agreements between the manufactures. Fair Trading Act (1973) This act established the Office of Fair Trading with the aim of enforcing the act. Consumer protection and Competition law were the main agenda. The finish is to ensure markets work well for consumers, ensure strong competition and prohibit unlawful practices.Consumer protection was heighten as businesses would be given warning at first but will be taken to court if problems persist. Competition Acts (1980 and 1998) Large businesses may limit competiti on and increase profits by predacious pricing, excessive prices, refusal to supply and price variety. This act was created to ensure businesses do not abuse their dominant market position and to deal with restrictive business practices. The EU influenced this act as the UK had to comply with EU competition policy.This act will be enforced by the Director General of Fair Trading and business if found at fault will be liable to financial penalties. Enterprise Act (2002) This act establishes new competition authorities, reformulates the law regarding mergers and markets, changed the law governing insolvency bankruptcy and criminalises anti-competitive behaviour. It also enhanced the Office of Fair Trading powers allowing it to carry out searches under warrant on the suspected mergers. Businesses can now pull against the decisions made by the Competition Commission.The Minister of Trade and Industry used to play a study role but due to inconsistencies he no longer has the final say regarding mergers. 6. tipsy prices Unstable prices apply particularly to commodities, any naturally accruing substances, such as fossil fuels, coffee, wheat etc. If left to the market mechanism they tend to suffer from fluctuations in prices much more frequently than manufactured goods, which create problems for the suppliers of these commodities as they cannot plan with any certainty on what revenue they are going to receive.Lipsey and Harbury (1993) discussed the two strategies the government tries to control the price with Price ceiling The government imposes a maximum price limit that can be charged for a particular item in order to protect consumers from environments that would make commodities inaccessible. A binding price ceiling is when the government decides to set the price ceiling below that of the free market price for example, if bread costs ? 2. 00 on the free market a price ceiling of ? 1. 00 would be considered a binding price ceiling.However, this can also have und esired results as some suppliers may slump out of the market as they cannot deal with the deficit, causing supplies to reduce and demand to increase as consumers bulk buy cheap items. A non-binding price ceiling is when the price ceiling is set above the free market price giving the suppliers/manufactures a buffer zone which is unlikely to have any practical effect. Price floor A price floor is the token(prenominal) price that can be charged for a product or service.If the mandatory price is set below the free market equilibrium price then it will have no practical effect but if the minimum price is set higher than the free market price it would mean consumers will have to pay more for the product. This could lead to demand falling which would result in manufactures seeing revenue decrease. An example of a minimum floor price is the subject Minimum Wage Act 1998 which dictates the lowest amount employees can be paid. 7. Labour market failureLabour market should, according to Greg g and Wadsworth (2011), reach a certain equilibrium prosecute and quantity but in practice this rarely happens. Listed below are some potential causes of market failure Labour and skills composure Labour cannot always be where the jobs are, this is called geographical immobility. Skills immobility is when labour does not possess the right skills to fulfil the job. For example, coal miners lost their jobs when new industries were formed and because of the twin in skill they are left unemployed.Discrimination Race, gender, height, weight and age are some examples of discrimination which can take place and could lead to market failure. The government intervenes by creating legislations such as the National Minimum Wage Act and Equal Pay Act to help protect peoples rights at work. They also offer incentives for students to continue into further education. Gangmasters are the main employers in a township and will use their buying power to force wages below the national minimum wage r ate.The government set up the GLA (Gangmasters Licensing Authority) to help control this problem and protect workers (Labour markets, 2009). 8. Conclusion The UK government acts admirable in the event of market failure to prevent further damage being inflicted onto the economy. However, the monopolistic business control acts are not in my estimation deterring businesses from unhealthy practices enough. The green initiative is laughable at best considering most households generally are in possession of two cars compared to just a integrity vehicle few years ago.Clearly more needs to be done to protect the environment. Although high petrol prices and an increase in insurance act as a deterrent to some the lack of alternatives is detrimental to the efforts. A higher tax should be implemented on tobacco as it is causes negative externalities which not only affect the individual but also the government, NHS spend on average flipper billion a year on treating diseases directly caused by smoking (Buckley,2003). 9. Bibliography Samuelson, P. A. , 1954, the pure theory of public expenditure, harvard university press. Chivian,E. C. and Bernstein, A.B. , 2008, sustaining life, oxford university press. OConnor, A. C. , 2012, monopoly the cause of evil, Lightning source uk ltd. Gregg, P. G. and Wadsworth, J. W. , 2011, The labour market in winter the state of working britian, OUP oxford. Lipsey,R. G. L and Harbury,C. D. H. ,1993, first principles of economics, Weidenfield and Nicolson. Buckley,C. B. , 2003, thank you for smoking, Allison and busby. reuters. 2011. Apple iPhone market share. ONLINE getable athttp//www. reuters. com/article/2011/12/22/smartphones-europe-idUSL6E7NM0PI20111222. Accessed 25 January 12.metro. 2011. Britain is Europes fattest nation. ONLINE Available at http//www. metro. co. uk/news/38242-britain-is-europes-fattest-nation. Accessed 25 January 12. office of fair trading. 2011. Investigation into alleged unfair practices. ONLINE Available athttp/ /www. oft. gov. uk/OFTwork/consumer-enforcement/consumer-enforcement-completed/adaptive-affinity/. Accessed 25 January 12. labour market failure. 2009. labour markets. ONLINE Available athttp//www. tutor2u. net/economics/presentations/labour_market_failure/player. html. Accessed 25 January 12.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Postal Survey Essay Example for Free

Postal Survey turn popI have decided to use postal contemplates and internet questionnaires for my survey methods. Both of these are relatively inexpensive, this is one of the causes I chose them as I would not be able to afford smell to face questionnaires, focus groups or phone surveys as they would be to expensive for me to do when starting a new-fashioned business. Postal Survey I have chosen to use postal surveys as even though they have to be of low depth, I get out be able to find out the elementary needs of my customers, on which I can base my businesses goals. For example if most of my results say that my customers would want a cheap yet elegant service, my goal would be to provide this. I also retrieve postal surveys result be a good idea, as I can post them around the bowl in which I believe my customers pull up stakes be ( of importly Chorley). By doing this I will be trade my business to the customer. Another way of arranging my postal survey would be t o find out where wiz the great unwashed live, or where people live who have been buying wedding magazines (as these will be my main customers).Then I can send my postal surveys to them so I am not squander money by sending the survey to people who will definitely not be my clients. I have also decided that when sending out these postal surveys, I will attach whatsoever kind of coupon or money redeeming voucher so that there is a reason for whom I sent the survey to, to fill it in. An example of the coupon would be 10% off organisational fees with KLH wed Co-ordinators. By doing this I would be getting my research done, and also attracting clients to my business.Internet Questionnaires Again this type of survey means getting back a low depth of tuition, however I still believe the information I gain will be useful. This form of surveying is relatively inexpensive, and it can be aimed at specific markets, in this case, people who want to get married. As with the postal surveys, I will be hoping to send my questionnaires to people who wish to get married. I could do this by buying information off websites that have peoples email addresses.This way I can send the information directly to people who I know could be amoured in it. Overall I know both postal surveys and internet questionnaires are a slow way of finding information, and have a low answer rate, but I believe if I send them to the right people, I will get a fairly good response, (better than the average postal or internet questionnaire survey), and seeing as I will add a coupon to both, I expect more people will return my questionnaires.I have also decided that if I decide I need more information, I will add a few open questions into the questionnaire that the reader can fill it in if they have an interest in my company. Unfortunately there is a chance that neither of these 2 survey methods would work, or that my results will be very basic. In this situation, I would hope to be able to bring toget her approximately people who have replied to my questionnaires that wish to get married.To do this I would ask on the questionnaires if they are plan a wedding or will be doing soon. From these people I will hope to be able to bring them together for a focus group, I can then find out their needs and wants from a wedding planner. I know this will not be a cheap, and I expect I will have to give them some kind of reason to do this, for which once more I would offer some kind of redeemable coupon.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Azt Pricing Decision Essay Example for Free

Azt Pricing Decision EssayIn 1986, Burroughs-Wellcome Company introduced the first major(ip) breakthrough against acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). It was the life-prolonging drug AZT. The product has turned let on to be very successful for the company and, largely because of AZTs success,Burroughs-Wellcomes profits fork up doubled in the three twelvemonths ending in 1988. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to increase the authorization for the drugs usage to those who are infected with the AIDS virus, but not only showing signs of serious illness. The estimate of the size of this market is hundreds of thousands rather than the tens of thousand who are currently cronk with AIDS (1988).The controversy over the drug centers on its price. AZT costs about $8,600 for a years supply for each patient (lowered from $10,000 in 1987). Critics in the gay, medical, and legal communities contend that Burroughs-Wellcome executives are collective extortionists. Some believe that the company has already made too much money at the write off of the sick. The price is so far out of reach of indigent and moderate-income people that the federal government had to meter in with subsidies of millions of dollars.Burroughs-Wellcome defends it pricing practices by stating that its profit margins (in the 50-70 percent range) are in line with those companies introducing sunrise(prenominal) drugs. They contend these high returns are necessary to finance research and recoup the millions of dollars invested in developing the drug. They initially gave the drug free-of-charge to as many as 5,000 AIDS patients and spent $80 million on a new plant.Additional criticism revolves around the actual development of the drug. The Wall Street Journal stated, But Wellcomes moral position is undercut by its relatively minor role in the creation of AZT. Researchers at the Michigan Cancer Foundation, from West Germany, and at the National Cancer Institute are credited with the major discoveries that led to AZT.Nevertheless, Wellcome performed toxicology, pharmacology, and animal studies before AZT was given to the first human volunteer. It also financed the big clinical trial and bankrolled the give-away to the patients in the initial experiment.Wellcome is under pressure to cut its price. The government is attempting to institute a sound price clause where an unduly high price could trigger a government order for a company to open its books. Any company found in violation could be sued for breach of contract. carnal knowledge is also studying AZT and one Congressman wrote the company contending that the original price rationale (achieving a decent return on investment during a short product life) no longer exists as the drug has been on the market for three years and the market is growing for the product.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Colonization of Brazil Essay Example for Free

Colonization of brazil nut EssayIn 1549, the Captaincy Colonies of Brazil were united into the Governorate General of Brazil, where they were eclogue captaincies of Brazil Lus Teixeira, 1574. Main article compound Brazil Explorer Pedro lvares Cabral landed on April 22, 1500 in what is today Porto Seguro, Brazil. Permanent habitation did not begin until So Vicente was founded in 1532, although acting(prenominal) trading posts were established earlier to collect brazilwood, used as a dye. From 1534 to 1536, 15 Captaincy colonies were created in Portuguese America. The captaincies were autonomous, and mostly private, colonies of the Portuguese Empire, each owned and run by a Captain-major. In 1549, collectible to their failure and limited success, the Captaincy Colonies of Brazil were united into the Governorate General of Brazil. The captaincy colonies were reorganized as idyl districts to the Governorate.The captaincies continued to be ruled by their hereditary captain-majors but they now reported to the Governor-General of Brazil. The virgin governing body was implemented so that Portuguese America could be managed correctly and provide a steady and laden income for the Portuguese Empire. The capital of the new governorate established its capital at So Salvador and the first Jesuits arrived the corresponding year. With permanent settlement came the establishment of the sugar cane industry and its in cristalsive labor demands which were met with Native and after African slaves. From 1565 through 1567, Mem de S, the third Governor General of Brazil, successfully destroyed a ten year-old French colony called France Antarctique, at Guanabara Bay.He and his nephew, Estcio de S, then founded the city of Rio de Janeiro on March 1567. In 1621, Philip II of Portugal divided the Governorate General of Brazil into two separate and autonomous colonies, the convey of Maranho and the State of Brazil. Regarding this period it is preferable to refer to Portuguese America rather than Portuguese Brazil or Colonial Brazil, as the states were two separate colonies, each with their own governor general and government. Between 1630 and 1654, the Netherlands came to control transgress of Brazils Northeast region, with their capital in Recife.The Portuguese won a significant victory in the secondment Battle of Guararapes in 1649. By 1654, the Netherlands had surrendered and returned control of all Brazilian land to the Portuguese. In 1751, the State of Maranho was restructured into State of Gro-Par and Maranho, with a new capital and government. In 1772, the State of Gro-Par and Maranho was split into two new states, the State of Gro-Par and Rio Negro and the State of Maranho and Piau.The new states would fair poorly and only last 3 years. In 1775, the three colonies of Portuguese America (the State of Brazil, the State of Maranho and Piau, and the State of Gro-Par and Rio Negro) were united into a singular colony, under the State of Brazil. This arrangement would last until the end of Colonial Brazil. As a result, Brazil did not split into several countries, as happened to its Spanish-speaking neighbors.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Project Manager Essay Example for Free

Project four-in-hand EssayThe main communication method they use is the bid. This is because it is handy and convenient to use, and it is also fast. They use telephone for various reasons such as to arrange an appointment, to confirm orders, to book activities etc. The alternative method or else of utilize the telephone could be e-mail and letter, this way they can keep the letter for hard reproduction and evidence to confirm that they did arrange the appointment if in that respect ar any complications. The Fax machine is sort of useful because it is fast and the letter can be kept for hard copy so there will be no get to type up any breeding.A meeting saves instead a lot of time and they get feedback from people immediately. Some schooling may be secluded so a certain method may need to be used such as face to face or letter, this way no confidential information is being leaked. There be different types of communication used because they need to know which type of communication to use for each dissolve for workout if its confidential they can either use telephone or letter so that no confidential information is being released out. And also if letter or email is being used, this can be kept for future reference and hard evidence for any purpose.Although there are some disadvantages of using the alternative methods, this is due to the confidentiality of information handling. Some information needs to remain or private in a company so a certain method has to be used. How information is collected, processed and stored whole administrative staff play a key role in Collecting information whether it arrives in the mail, electronically, by telephone or is passed on by word of mouth. Processing information inputting it, merging it with new(prenominal) information, sorting it, reorganising it, reproducing it or updating current records.Storing information in filing systems and on computer. The main reflection of a storage system is so you can fin d things quickly and the items stored are kept in good condition. Information is processed when it is changed or converted in some way. It may be ameliorate or may be prepared for a particular use such as notes from meetings, messages from telephones, gross sales figures that need to be input into a spreadsheet etc. These roles are important to the Business because it depends how well information has been organised and stored so that it can easily be accessed when it is needed.Every day, Businesses receive a vast fare of paperwork that is generated by organisations such as forms, fax messages, telephone messages, letters, memos reports and many more. So the administrative staff is liable for the storage, processing and collecting these information in order to keep the constant flow of the Business going. bet on arrives at the reception and then is sorted and stored separately by name in a subaltern locker by the reception friend, each locker is provided with a key so the admin istration assistant or the manager has to collect their post from their locker.After all the post is bought back to the department to be opened and read, they also prevail to do certain things such as processing and storing the type of information. For example When they receive an invoice for the art and crafts equipment, the amount is processed onto spreadsheet on the computer by the administration assistant. This is because they need to record how much money is spent using the companys money. Then the assistant writes a sum on top of the invoice to help keep all the invoices in order which is then kept in a box read then stacked on the shelf.When the cheque is made out, the same number as the invoice is also written on the top of the cheque so they know they match. Records of the teenage people who join the community are kept on a CD Rom. Their details are also kept in a lever arch file and are updated if any changes have been made. The lever arch file is then stacked on the s helf along with some some other files. When an application form is received, it is read by the manager and details of that person are noted stamp out and then the form is filed in a vertical filing cabinet.If the manager approves one or two forms, he then photocopies them and then the original copy is filed and the other is sent to the director. All other information such as catalogues and booklets from the suppliers of office organisations are stored in a tall cardboard box file and is kept on the shelf. Decision making Decisions are made every day within businesses. The be on of Directors makes the major decisions at GAZ and the Project Manager makes the simple decisions such as what equipment to buy.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

One Cannot Escape Big Brother Essay Example for Free

unity Cannot Escape humongous Brother EssayIn 1984, by George Orwell, society is portrayed as having lost all traces of individuality, creative thought, and love and valetity. This Negative Utopia depicts the possibility of the futurity despair of the hu humanity race whilst warning readers of the dangers of totalitarianism. The overlying mood in 1984 is the bleakness of the future of the human race. The main character though, Winston Smith, is caught in this society that is dedicated to conformity with a see full of intelligence, individuality, and insubordinate thoughts. Winston is targeted by the government from the beginning because of his continual thoughtcrime as well as his rebellious actions with Julia. However, in a society as bleak and desolate as Orwell has depicted, Winstons actions against the Party and orotund Brother were basically futile.Throughout the novel, Winston believes that though society forces him to conform on the outside, he can still fight the governing body with his thoughts and by being with Julia in secret. He believes that his own individuality reveals that at that place is at least a small sliver of hope for humanity, but this is not so. Syme even questions Winston, How could you bring a slogan same freedom is slavery when the concept of freedom has been abolished? (pg.47). There is so much moral decay at bottom the Party, Winston is wasting his breath and energy by trying to pack down Big Brother it is too great, and he is too small, despite how intelligent he may be.In Orwells fiction society, there is no hope, no potential light for the future. Society is too far gone, as shown through aspects of conduct such as telescreens, Hate Week, the Hate Song, and Newspeak. The government has molded the people of Oceanias minds into the ideal citizen unfeeling, missing any creative thought, love, or uniqueness. The citizens who slip by and do possess these qualities will be volatilised at some point and Winston k nows this throughout the novel. Yet he still believes that in some way, he may be of help to the Brotherhood, even though he is not even sure of its existence.One thing that separated the government of 1984 from any modern day government is that when someone was a traitor, or made some attempt to overthrow the government, they were not punished, but rather cured. In the novel, OBrian, who is a symbol Big Brother, states, We are not contentwith negative obedience, nor even with the most mournful submission. When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will. We do not destroy the dissenter because he resists us so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We transform him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him we bring him over to our side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we kill him. (pg. 318) This portrays how Big Brother essentially ensures its own success b y turning their enemies into supporters of their cause rather than persecuting them.Winston had no gamble to take down Big Brother because when he was caught, he would not even become a legacy, or a shining light for others to follow suit he would become nonexistent, a changed man who would be taught to love Big Brother. By not voicing his true opinions about the Party, Winston would convey move to know the truth behind it. However, because he did, OBrian and other Party members cured him, and molded his mind into what they wished it to be. By going against Big Brother, Winston became a clay mold of the ideal fascist citizen. Winston had no opportunity of being happy in the world set by Orwell. He was too intelligent to go through life without questioning Big Brother, and the irony exists in the fact that that was ultimately his intellectual demise. However, if Winston had unless lived in acceptance of the fact that society was so horribly corrupt, and turned away from the atro cities of civilization, he would have been much better off.He would not have been tortured, he would not have had to experience the perfidy of OBrian, and he would not have gained then lost Julia. In todays world, it is perhaps better to have loved and lost but in Orwells 1984, one never authentically gained anything because Big Brother was always watching. Orwell says in the novel, If you want a picture of the future, imagine a shiver stamping on a human faceforever (pg 271). No amount of rebellion could possibly quit this metaphorical boot from crushing humanity. Winston could have saved himself from a lifetime of even more loss and despair if he had just kept to himself and turned away from the evils of Big Brother. After all, the slogan Big Brother is watching you (pg 2) was not just a saying for the people of Oceania it was a sad truth. Thus, Winston would have been much more fortunate given the circumstances if he had not gone against the Party.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Six Glasses by Tom Standage Essay Example for Free

Six Glasses by gobbler Standage Essay through step to the fore history certain insobrietys have marked a trend that has changed the face of the earth. individu completelyy drinks including beer, wine-coloured, spirits (distilled inebriant), java, tea, and coca-cola have been a catalyst for the maturement of our society. As a result, the alcoholic beverage and the caffeine in the drinks have not besides quenched our thirst through history, broad(a)ly have done a great deal much than that they have helped different cultures intertwine. Each one of them set charit adaptedkind on a driveway towards modernity. Six beverages precisely, three alcoholic, and three caffeine marked the tendency the showtime beverage to mark a trend was beer that both served as a currency and for political purposes. Later came the Grecians with a plowed grape juice, named wine that with the help of socio-economic classal drinking parties helped diffuse ideas and thoughts. With the coming of the age of exploration and the discovery of America, raw goods and the distillment process arrived and helped the in patternation of distilled drinks such as brandy, comic, and whiskey which were used as currency to buy slaves and became fashionable in North America.As alcoholism spread, separate plenty especially professionals looked for that drink that instead of confound the mind kind of promoted lucidity. Coffee, the black gift from the Arabs promoted clarity that was what professionals were looking for such a long time. so extinct-of-the-way(prenominal) the emergence of the British Empire as a arena dominion helped Chinas flagship drink, tea helped to open remunerative commerce routes with the east. Perhaps, the just near affluent of all, or at least the one single drink that runed either corner of earth is the carbonated soft beverage called Coca-Cola Coca-Cola marked the develop of the globalization accomplishment. Six drinks, sixsome different stor ies that mark our world today.Beer, the first alcoholic beverage appeared as a result of a change of lifestyle from the mans that migrated from out of Africa. Before, these people were nomads meaning that they life was based on hunt club and gathering. However, start outing twelve-thousand years ago, Humans in the Near East abandoned the Paleolithic lifestyle and follow farming rather than hunting and gathering. Beer was not invented but rather discovered since it was found that cereal mite could be stored for a long time a would not be spoiled. With the introduction of beer, people no matter their friendly rank were able to enjoy a drink that at the time was considered a gift of god.All along the Fertile Crescent people drank beer from the same container. This was considered a mayor reading because it showed that beer was both a drink that united social classes, and it was a universal symbol and friendship and hospitality since drinking from the same container through a stra w meant that the one offering the drink did not gather up the beverage. Beer abundance and invigorating flavors convinced the consumers of making ceremonies to god, whom in their conscience gifted such drink. Beer was used in religious ceremonies, agricultural fertility rites, and funerals by the Sumerians and Egyptians.Beer spicy contents undersurfacenot be denied. Without such stimulating and rich content, beer would not have the same popularity as it has. When stored for a long period, beer starts the fermentation process. In the Neolithic period, beer was rather drunk much sooner than todays standards. Most people left it fermenting for about a hebdomad or less. As a result, the beer drank had a relatively low alcohol content but would be rich in yeast which would provide protein and vitamin, especially vitamin B. The rich contents of beer were essential for the development and survival of the fittest of early civilizations since vitamin B provided the nutrients meat provide d so when thither was a shortage of food, especially meat, people would take drink beer.Although extremely important for the development of early societies, beer is constantly associated with drunkenness and un guide calling. counterbalance galore(postnominal) scholars consider beer as righteous a drink that it is used to quench special cravings or just simply to sop up drunk. However, beer importance in the development of writing is more important than common thinking. The soonest written documents are Sumerian wage lists and tax receipts that were used to record several things amongst them was beer. Since beer by this time was considered the drink of the common man, beer was used as a form of payment for many people. somewhat people were given the drink as it is the case during the construction of the pyramid of Giza, and others were given tokens so they could replace them with beer. Beer importance in the development of our civilized world is a great deal under regarded, especially by those whom recollect that beer sole purpose is to get people drunk.Departing from Assyria, King Ashurnasirpar II gave a drink to his guests which aroma and discretion was far more refined than that of beer. Even more, this vitalizing drink was not a universal drink for the common man, but was rather a way to show their wealth. As a result, wine development as the next popular drink, especially in Greece and Italy. Wine consists of a fermented juice of crushed grapes. disrespect the availability of grapes through human history, wine did not emerge until later since in lodge to ferment the fruit it is necessary to use a pot. As wine became more widely available, it came to be seen as a social drink as well as a religious beverage. Its main consumption was based on the Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean. Furthermore, its increasing accessibility demised wine as an all elite drink. despite its high cost, wine is a determining factor for the development of non-ba rbaric settlements such as Greece and Rome. Thucydides, a Greek writer described, the peoples of the Mediterranean began to emerge from barbarism when they learnt to cultivate the olive and the vine. When wine emerged in the Eastern Mediterranean wine price decreased and it was widely available. As a result, wine became progressively important especially in the economic sense. Wine was now not considered as just a drink, but rather a form of income. Italys and Greece convenient location helped wine become easy to trade amongst other European and Muslim nations. Therefore, vineyards became prime targets in the Peloponnesian War between Sparta and Athens.Different from beer, aging wine was a badge of status the older the wine, the break down. For Greeks and Romans wine drinking was associated with civilization and refinement. Also, wine was as well a form to test someones personality. As Aeschylus, a Greek poet said, Bronze is the mirror of the outward form wine is the mirror of t he mind, referring to the ability of a person to speak truth when drinking wine. Some Greek philosophers considered wine as tr distributivelyerous for the human society they believed that placing too much power in human hands (wine alcoholic content), could ultimately lead to revolution and anarchy. Wine social is so important that is often undermined.For example there is a Roman story, that once Marcus Antonius sought for refugeand someone accept it. In order to delight and give tribute to their guest, the house owner sent their slave to buy the virtually expensive wine, the kind only people such of Marcus Antonius would drink. As a result, the authorities discovered Marcus Antonius as a result of just the wine he drank, marking wine as a social drink. Therefore, wine became a symbol of social differentiation and a rentable way of business.Wines riches and development of trade led to the discovery of America. With the riches of wine European nations now sought more resources and o ther form of transporting beverages. For voyages such as those to America, wine was not that convenient. Instead in the Spanish city of Cordoba, the distillment process was developed. Distilled drinks provided a durable and compact way to transport alcohol on board ships. The first distilled drink was distilled wine and it was considered a therapeutically drink. Arnald of Villanova, a wine distiller, believed that the true wet of life give come over in precious drops, which, being rectified by three or cardinal successive distillations, will afford the wonderful quintessence of wine, he wrote we call it aqua vitae, and this name is outstandingly suitable, since it is really a water of immortality. It prolongs life, clears away ill-humors, revives the heart, and maintains youth. As Villanova said, aqua vita godlike powers were tempting for many desire immortality. During the Pre-Columbian period, people believed that drinking a regular dose of aqua vita could improve the funct ioning human body and mind.Following the discovery of America and the establishment of the European colonies in the Americas, slavery soon out spurted, especially in the Caribbean colonies. In these colonies, especially in the British sugar cane was the main crop. However, in order to obtain the man power to extract the resource, the British sought to exchange Brandy for slaves in atomic number 74 Africa. Europeans soon realized that it was far more efficient to use distilled alcohol extracted from the sugar cane. Rumbullion as it is called was far superior for high seas since it didnt spoil like wine since it had a high concentration of alcohol. Rum was mayhap the most profitable spirits, or distilled drink of all became it is relatively easy to distill and it was also make with the leftovers of sugarcane plantations. Therefore, rum didnot only serve as a way to use the leftovers but it consequently was used as a form of income.Inevitably, rum became the American typical drink, ra ther than brandy, the British counterpart. Rum was far cheaper then brandy and was do from leftover molasses. Rum amongst the American minds alleviated hardship and provided a liquid form of central heating during harsh winters. More importantly alleviated the dependence of unknown imports. In some cases, rum was so cheap that a one day wage could get drunk a person for weeks. Indirectly, rum triggered the American Civil war. The story goes like this, as the colonies grew economically and constantly became more independent of foreign goods, the British felt that they were losing money from a market that forwards they controlled in a monopolistic manner.As a result, they decided to put taxes on the molasses, the main ingredient of rum. However, the British felt that they could exploit the Americans and kept increasing the taxes to see if the Americans once and for all opted for brandy. Instead, the number of rum producing factories increased and smuggling molasses became a normal business. During the fight for independence, the American soldiers opted for rum. As Henry Knox said in a letter, Besides beef and pork, bread and flour, Rum is too material an article to be omitted, he wrote, No exertions ought to be spared to provide ample quantities of it. Distilled drinks helped shaped the New World since it served as a form of income and as a form of enjoyment.After the age of exploration, came the Age of Reason where everything was put into contest. No bitlong were Greek and Roman scientific commonly accepted. As Bacon expressed, There is no hope of any study increase in scientific knowledge by grafting or adding the new on nobble of the old, referring that in order to develop new thoughts have to be accepted. Along with this advance came umber, which promoted sharpness and clarity of thought. It became the preferred drink for scientists, intellectuals, merchants and clerks. Coffee instead of relaxing the mind instead sharpened it and was usually drank du ring the mornings or during continuous working time. Coffee drinkers argued that with alcohol people had a clouded view of the world therefore, coffee was there to clear it.Coffee success is mainly as a result of the coffee houses. The coffee houses differed from the taverns in which they were often visited by scholars rather than by the common man, and had an environment more tranquil and better to think. Coffee houses were used as information hubs there you could tell your thoughts of the book you just read, talk about new scientific developments, simply any information you could find in a coffee shop. These were so important that for example, after Hooke demonstrated an improved form of astronomical quadrant a the Royal Society, he repeated his demonstration at Garraways coffeehouse. In a certain manner, coffee helped European nations to develop at a faster rate since with coffee and coffee shops people were able to discuss and exchange ideas amongst them. Even today, coffee play s a major role in keeping our society awake and up to task.Despite its reach, coffee was not able to compete in England with a drink similar to coffee called tea. During the 17th, eighteenth and early 19th century, British enjoyed its golden reach. As Sir George McCartney described, this vast empire on which the sun never sets. Indeed it was true since Britain had colonies in America, Asia, and Australia, meaning that the sun was always seen in any one of the colonies. Britains reach during this epoch was immeasurable and its power imaginable. However as any other empire they indispensable a national drink. The British opted for tea that had been invigorating the Chinese for quite some time. As coffee, tea promoted, clear thought and the spread of thought. However tea was not well known in Britain until Catherine of Braganza, the wife of Charles II introduced tea to the English court. As any other mayor power, the citizens view their rulers of examples of what to do, so they inferr ed that drinking tea was good.Even some scientist said that tea had special powers. Such was the case for Cornelius Bontekoe who said, We recommend tea to the entire nation, and to all peoples he declared, we urge every man, every woman, to drink it every day if possible, every hour beginning with ten cups a day and subsequently increasing the dosage-as much as the stomach can take.One of the most important aspects of tea was its economic factor. The East India Company, the largest at its time recorded that sixty percent of its profits derived from the tea trade. Moreover, ten percent of British tax revenuederived from the tea. Clearly, teas economic influence is undeniable. With tea, Britain was able to develop settlements so far away, such as that of Hong Kong. Tea influence in Britain colonies helped Britain input more revenue since they created the drinking of tea as away of life. Everyone no matter their social class needed to have their tea at least once a day. As a result, t ea was a drink that was so popular that Britain it spread through the world and became the main association with Britain.Coca-Cola, perhaps the most well known brand in the world is a carbonated drink that was developed from change Water, or just simply Soda. Coca-Cola was developed by John Pemberton, a pharmacist who lived Atlanta, Georgia. Most people believe that the creation of Coca-Cola was a mistake. However this is false because in fact Pemberton was an experienced medicine producer and while creating Coca -Cola he was trying to find another remedy for stomach ache. While excogitate the formula, Pemberton added Coca that has a stimulating effect later he added the koka leaf from Western Africa. In order to put a name for his invigorating, refreshing, quenching beverage he named it Coca-Cola referring to the two main ingredients of the product.Coca-Coca introduced globalization into our minds. alternatively than thinking for a single market, Coca-Cola owners believed in ma ss production and versatility of the product. Advertisements such as, Drink Coca-Cola. Delicious and refreshing, showed the world that the age of reason was light years away and that now it was the dawn of globalization. For Asa Candler the Coca-Cola business turned out to be really profitable. First the product was easy and cheap to produce and people paid a lot for each drink. Following his purchase of the company came the prohibition period a period were alcohol consumption was illegal in the United States. Therefore, as a remedy people opted for Coca-Cola. As a result, Coca-Cola enjoyed a relative monopoly in drinks.However this hit hard by the end of prohibition when alcohol reanimated its sale. Right after the prohibition, people said, Who would drink soft stuff when real beer and he-mans whiskey could be obtained legally? Furthermore, Coca-Cola was hit even harder with the innovating drink sizes of Pepsi that offer a similar flavor for a trim down price. Coca-Cola globalizat ion was marked when Coca-Cola set a policy that those combat the war (World War II) would have a Coca-Cola no matter where they were. The refreshing drink inside that remarkable bottle was so important for the soldiers since it made them feel at home. Also, as people outside the war effort saw the soldiers overwhelming the drink, they opted to start drinking it. Coca-Cola influence today is undeniable Coca-Cola is simply globalization in a bottle.Six drinks, each drink including beer, wine, spirits (distilled alcohol), coffee, tea, and coca-cola have been a catalyst for the development of our society. Each one has had its glory period and its place in history without them, the world would not be the same, nor as developed as it is today. From the start of civilization, to today globalize society each drink has played a major role in our development as a civilized world. However, the drink that we have to pay more tribute is water. Through history water has been essential for sustain ing human life, but no one has paid respect to such precious item. In less than a century, water will become the transparent oil since only two percent of the whole planets water is drinkable.Although we live in a place where we believe there is sufficient water, there isnt, and we have to face it. In places such as Darfur and other dry places water has become so essential that instead of fighting for diamonds or any other resources they are fighting for land in order to obtain at least was necessary for survival. If us (the youth), dont stop consuming that much we will have to find another remedy for survival because at its pace water could start lacking in many critical places. In the end, we cannot be self-centered and just think of ourselves, we have to also think of taking care of unacknowledged earth.American Beverage Association memoir of Beverage Products and Companies. American Beverage Association Beverage Industry News Resources Home. 14 Apr. 2008 .Beverages and Drin ks History and Origins of Beverages and Drinks. Inventors. 14 Apr. 2008 .Standage, Tom. A History of the World in 6 Glasses. New York Walker Company, 2005.