Sunday, April 7, 2019

One Cannot Escape Big Brother Essay Example for Free

unity Cannot Escape humongous Brother EssayIn 1984, by George Orwell, society is portrayed as having lost all traces of individuality, creative thought, and love and valetity. This Negative Utopia depicts the possibility of the futurity despair of the hu humanity race whilst warning readers of the dangers of totalitarianism. The overlying mood in 1984 is the bleakness of the future of the human race. The main character though, Winston Smith, is caught in this society that is dedicated to conformity with a see full of intelligence, individuality, and insubordinate thoughts. Winston is targeted by the government from the beginning because of his continual thoughtcrime as well as his rebellious actions with Julia. However, in a society as bleak and desolate as Orwell has depicted, Winstons actions against the Party and orotund Brother were basically futile.Throughout the novel, Winston believes that though society forces him to conform on the outside, he can still fight the governing body with his thoughts and by being with Julia in secret. He believes that his own individuality reveals that at that place is at least a small sliver of hope for humanity, but this is not so. Syme even questions Winston, How could you bring a slogan same freedom is slavery when the concept of freedom has been abolished? (pg.47). There is so much moral decay at bottom the Party, Winston is wasting his breath and energy by trying to pack down Big Brother it is too great, and he is too small, despite how intelligent he may be.In Orwells fiction society, there is no hope, no potential light for the future. Society is too far gone, as shown through aspects of conduct such as telescreens, Hate Week, the Hate Song, and Newspeak. The government has molded the people of Oceanias minds into the ideal citizen unfeeling, missing any creative thought, love, or uniqueness. The citizens who slip by and do possess these qualities will be volatilised at some point and Winston k nows this throughout the novel. Yet he still believes that in some way, he may be of help to the Brotherhood, even though he is not even sure of its existence.One thing that separated the government of 1984 from any modern day government is that when someone was a traitor, or made some attempt to overthrow the government, they were not punished, but rather cured. In the novel, OBrian, who is a symbol Big Brother, states, We are not contentwith negative obedience, nor even with the most mournful submission. When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will. We do not destroy the dissenter because he resists us so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We transform him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him we bring him over to our side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we kill him. (pg. 318) This portrays how Big Brother essentially ensures its own success b y turning their enemies into supporters of their cause rather than persecuting them.Winston had no gamble to take down Big Brother because when he was caught, he would not even become a legacy, or a shining light for others to follow suit he would become nonexistent, a changed man who would be taught to love Big Brother. By not voicing his true opinions about the Party, Winston would convey move to know the truth behind it. However, because he did, OBrian and other Party members cured him, and molded his mind into what they wished it to be. By going against Big Brother, Winston became a clay mold of the ideal fascist citizen. Winston had no opportunity of being happy in the world set by Orwell. He was too intelligent to go through life without questioning Big Brother, and the irony exists in the fact that that was ultimately his intellectual demise. However, if Winston had unless lived in acceptance of the fact that society was so horribly corrupt, and turned away from the atro cities of civilization, he would have been much better off.He would not have been tortured, he would not have had to experience the perfidy of OBrian, and he would not have gained then lost Julia. In todays world, it is perhaps better to have loved and lost but in Orwells 1984, one never authentically gained anything because Big Brother was always watching. Orwell says in the novel, If you want a picture of the future, imagine a shiver stamping on a human faceforever (pg 271). No amount of rebellion could possibly quit this metaphorical boot from crushing humanity. Winston could have saved himself from a lifetime of even more loss and despair if he had just kept to himself and turned away from the evils of Big Brother. After all, the slogan Big Brother is watching you (pg 2) was not just a saying for the people of Oceania it was a sad truth. Thus, Winston would have been much more fortunate given the circumstances if he had not gone against the Party.

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