Saturday, April 13, 2019

Postal Survey Essay Example for Free

Postal Survey turn popI have decided to use postal contemplates and internet questionnaires for my survey methods. Both of these are relatively inexpensive, this is one of the causes I chose them as I would not be able to afford smell to face questionnaires, focus groups or phone surveys as they would be to expensive for me to do when starting a new-fashioned business. Postal Survey I have chosen to use postal surveys as even though they have to be of low depth, I get out be able to find out the elementary needs of my customers, on which I can base my businesses goals. For example if most of my results say that my customers would want a cheap yet elegant service, my goal would be to provide this. I also retrieve postal surveys result be a good idea, as I can post them around the bowl in which I believe my customers pull up stakes be ( of importly Chorley). By doing this I will be trade my business to the customer. Another way of arranging my postal survey would be t o find out where wiz the great unwashed live, or where people live who have been buying wedding magazines (as these will be my main customers).Then I can send my postal surveys to them so I am not squander money by sending the survey to people who will definitely not be my clients. I have also decided that when sending out these postal surveys, I will attach whatsoever kind of coupon or money redeeming voucher so that there is a reason for whom I sent the survey to, to fill it in. An example of the coupon would be 10% off organisational fees with KLH wed Co-ordinators. By doing this I would be getting my research done, and also attracting clients to my business.Internet Questionnaires Again this type of survey means getting back a low depth of tuition, however I still believe the information I gain will be useful. This form of surveying is relatively inexpensive, and it can be aimed at specific markets, in this case, people who want to get married. As with the postal surveys, I will be hoping to send my questionnaires to people who wish to get married. I could do this by buying information off websites that have peoples email addresses.This way I can send the information directly to people who I know could be amoured in it. Overall I know both postal surveys and internet questionnaires are a slow way of finding information, and have a low answer rate, but I believe if I send them to the right people, I will get a fairly good response, (better than the average postal or internet questionnaire survey), and seeing as I will add a coupon to both, I expect more people will return my questionnaires.I have also decided that if I decide I need more information, I will add a few open questions into the questionnaire that the reader can fill it in if they have an interest in my company. Unfortunately there is a chance that neither of these 2 survey methods would work, or that my results will be very basic. In this situation, I would hope to be able to bring toget her approximately people who have replied to my questionnaires that wish to get married.To do this I would ask on the questionnaires if they are plan a wedding or will be doing soon. From these people I will hope to be able to bring them together for a focus group, I can then find out their needs and wants from a wedding planner. I know this will not be a cheap, and I expect I will have to give them some kind of reason to do this, for which once more I would offer some kind of redeemable coupon.

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