Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Colonization of Brazil Essay Example for Free

Colonization of brazil nut EssayIn 1549, the Captaincy Colonies of Brazil were united into the Governorate General of Brazil, where they were eclogue captaincies of Brazil Lus Teixeira, 1574. Main article compound Brazil Explorer Pedro lvares Cabral landed on April 22, 1500 in what is today Porto Seguro, Brazil. Permanent habitation did not begin until So Vicente was founded in 1532, although acting(prenominal) trading posts were established earlier to collect brazilwood, used as a dye. From 1534 to 1536, 15 Captaincy colonies were created in Portuguese America. The captaincies were autonomous, and mostly private, colonies of the Portuguese Empire, each owned and run by a Captain-major. In 1549, collectible to their failure and limited success, the Captaincy Colonies of Brazil were united into the Governorate General of Brazil. The captaincy colonies were reorganized as idyl districts to the Governorate.The captaincies continued to be ruled by their hereditary captain-majors but they now reported to the Governor-General of Brazil. The virgin governing body was implemented so that Portuguese America could be managed correctly and provide a steady and laden income for the Portuguese Empire. The capital of the new governorate established its capital at So Salvador and the first Jesuits arrived the corresponding year. With permanent settlement came the establishment of the sugar cane industry and its in cristalsive labor demands which were met with Native and after African slaves. From 1565 through 1567, Mem de S, the third Governor General of Brazil, successfully destroyed a ten year-old French colony called France Antarctique, at Guanabara Bay.He and his nephew, Estcio de S, then founded the city of Rio de Janeiro on March 1567. In 1621, Philip II of Portugal divided the Governorate General of Brazil into two separate and autonomous colonies, the convey of Maranho and the State of Brazil. Regarding this period it is preferable to refer to Portuguese America rather than Portuguese Brazil or Colonial Brazil, as the states were two separate colonies, each with their own governor general and government. Between 1630 and 1654, the Netherlands came to control transgress of Brazils Northeast region, with their capital in Recife.The Portuguese won a significant victory in the secondment Battle of Guararapes in 1649. By 1654, the Netherlands had surrendered and returned control of all Brazilian land to the Portuguese. In 1751, the State of Maranho was restructured into State of Gro-Par and Maranho, with a new capital and government. In 1772, the State of Gro-Par and Maranho was split into two new states, the State of Gro-Par and Rio Negro and the State of Maranho and Piau.The new states would fair poorly and only last 3 years. In 1775, the three colonies of Portuguese America (the State of Brazil, the State of Maranho and Piau, and the State of Gro-Par and Rio Negro) were united into a singular colony, under the State of Brazil. This arrangement would last until the end of Colonial Brazil. As a result, Brazil did not split into several countries, as happened to its Spanish-speaking neighbors.

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