Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Behavioral risk factors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Behavioral risk factors - Essay ExampleAcademy of Sciences cites well-nigh specific behaviors that influence health such as tobacco and alcohol consumption, physical exercise and intellectual nourishment intake, sexual practices, and disease diagnosis. Despite the availability of data on the direct effects of these behaviors on a persons health and his contraction of potentially chronic diseases, they remain at a c areen level. Primary prevention with early screening and detection, in concert with an overall change in attitude are important to address illnesses prevention and obviate disease transmission (2001).The importance of community engagement in wholesome activities cannot be stressed enough. In this regard, the companies together with local health personnel should work together in implementing activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. Sports activities that initiate larger group participation are elevated and convenient. Information drives through a wider audience empl oying the mass media will also be vital to update people of the most recent health hazards and various studies. In addition, the different companies should encourage their employees to avail of provided for checkup consults at the onset of their health concerns to ensure early

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