Monday, April 22, 2019

News Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

intelligence Summary - Assignment ExampleNow, several companies with presence in Bangladesh including Esprit Holdings, Fast Retailing and Zara parentInditexSA discombobulate signed five-year contracts implementing third-party safety inspections of buildings to ensure their compliance with the safety standards. Likewise, companies like H&M are excessively looking into increasing the wages of the workers, saying that workers should be able to live on their wages. This means that manufacturing be will be higher, which is favorable to the workers but not to manufacturers and consumers. Nevertheless, the move has started yet there are no reports whether prices of products will increase with the ongoing changes.Despite the move of several Western companies, the report says that only up to 25 percent of the factories have complied with the said action. This means that 75 percent has not yet make its part and those factories could be expected to add up to the number of fire incidents in Bangladesh. Therefore, Geoffrey Crothall, spokesman for China tire out Bulletin suggests that the government should take the matter seriously and take the responsibility of inspecting buildings and looking into the welfare of their give birth people.Chiu, K. (2014). Western brands rethink low-cost focus. Retrieved January 27, 2014, from

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