Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Business Plan Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 words

Business Plan - Thesis eccentricThis has lead to the growth of online business across the globe and was the major reason for choosing the online form of business as it relates to Ortiz. The products produced by Ortiz are also in demand as footwear market has showed a crocked growth rate over the past years. Additionally, continual changes in consumers preference, footwear demands continue to take and summation at a rate comparable to that of the apparel market. Factories producing the product line of Ortiz are currently located in the country of Colombia. As such, Ortiz send offs to export its product from Colombia to European markets and sell these products through online market to the end consumer. The products of Ortiz are manufactured to specifically keep the needs and preference of its target market in mind. As such, this target demographic includes younger and middle aged fashion conscious men and women who outer space a premium on footwear that is both stylish, fashion able, and comfortable. Objectives To become a market leader in the online market for fashionable shoes To develop a superior reputation by allowing the customer to go across a streamlined and painless online shopping experience. To gain a reputation of reliable delivery in UK market and also for high quality shoes and design To determine the succeeder of the business plan feasibility study was conducted in the online business sector and footwear market. It has been revealed that there exists a huge authority in the online business sector and also in the footwear market as the demand has change magnitude drastically as compared to previous years. The feasibility research took into consideration five key areas, product/service, industry, market, organizational, and pecuniary sectors. Next the business plan analyzes the business model. Ortiz implemented the affiliate business model and aims to earn tax revenue by its pay per click facility. The core strategy has been defined and explained in Chapter 4 under the fountainhead business model. Chapter 5 analyzes the present and future scenarios of Ortiz and how the business prepared to perform in the future as well as where it expects to stand within the next few years of its operation. It can be express that the business is expected to generate positive cash flow as well as increase its overall brand awareness and image. In the process of conducting business there exists wide possibility of fortune to be encountered by the online business and hence the likely risks which Ortiz might encounter have been stated in the business plan along with the remedies and how to manage the risk. The business plan also included the critical success factor which the company should implement to its business and earns profit and achieves success. Budget and investment planned by Ortiz go forth be shown in detail where the budgets have been prepared for three years starting from 2012 to 2014. As such, by the projections of th is analysis, Ortiz is expected to break even by next year - 2013. Thus it can be reason out that the business aims to provide its target customers with innovate and stylish footwear and create a brand cherish in the UK and Europe market. Contents Executive summary 2 Contents 4 Chapter 1 7 Introduction 7 Structure 9 Business Model and Source of Information 10 Assumptions 10 Timescale 10 Chapter 2 12 The business concept 12 Product/Service 13 get market 14 Value Added 14 Specific Features 16 Opportunity 16 Marketing and

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