Friday, May 10, 2019

Critical Evaluation of your documentary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Evaluation of your accusative - Essay ExampleThis documentary was to look into the contrary models of cars and what makes them unique from each other. The headmaster documentary was to look at how cars have evolved from the course 1970 to present, their speed limits, designs, engine types and sizes. Several ideas influenced my original proposal for a documentary. The documentary, Car of the Future, talks of the various models of cars that atomic number 18 to hit the roads by the year and their effect on the environment. The documentary would have projected the models that were in front and those that have come to be. Another documentary that inspired my thought on the car documentary that I was to make was that of Who killed the Electric Car. In this documentary, several issues are looked into the eventual downfall of the car model, how it was made and its brand type. The documentary also looks into duties of government, consumers and the oil industry. The PowerBlock TV show was also a force behind my original proposal for a documentary. Different car models are showcased in this show bringing taboo clearly the many changes that have occurred in the motor industry.The final film turned out to be different from what I had in my original proposal for a documentary. My documentary is rough making a confectionary that is care by most consumers. The inspiration was drawn from a documentary I later saw about a man who was an expert at making sushi. Together with his son who is also his heir, they set out in the basement of an office to show their prowess on sushi making. The relationship that the man and his son fortune was phenomenal. Their attention to detail and their enthusiasm to give the best of results motivated me. I thought of the issues that are overlook by people regarding the end results of food. This documentary brings out a clear explanation of how confectionaries are vigilant and how good results can be achieved. Another idea that

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