Friday, May 31, 2019

Search for Immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh :: Epic Gilgamesh essays

The Search for Im soulity In The Epic of Gilgamesh the main character, Gilgamesh, is searching for immortality. This want is brought about by deep feelings held by Gilgamesh for his dead friend Enkidu. From this, Gilgamesh finds himself being scared of dying. This fear pushes Gilgamesh to search for the power of immortal life, which is believed to be held only by women because of the fact that they can reproduce. This takes him on a long and tiresome journey to a land where no mortal has gone before. The search by Gligamesh is fueled by the desire to play a part in reproduction. His journey begins at Mount Mashu, the mountain which describes a woman in the part that her paps reach down to the underworld. Referring to two womens embraces hanging down. Before he may enter the mountain, he meets two half female, half dragon figures guarding the entrance. They begin asking why he has come No man/ born of woman has done what you have/ asked, no mortal man has ever gone into the/ mountai n. This mountain is off limits to mortal beings, he should non be there Gilgamesh is alloud in and goes through twelve leagues of darkness before he reaches the golden garden of the goddesses. Upon arriving there he is greeted by Shamash, the Sun God, who tells him, You will never find the/ life for which you are searching. This upsets Gilgamesh because he has traveled so far to now just sleep and let the primer cover my head forever? From leaving Shamash, Gilgamesh is sent to see Siduri. Beside the sea she lives, the woman of/ the vine, the maker of wine and she does not want to allow Gilgamesh pass. Gilgamesh pleads with her that since he has seen her do not let him see death. She answers, Gilgamesh, where/ are you hurrying to? You will never find that life for which you are looking. Once again Gilgamesh hears that what he is looking for does not exist. She tells him to enjoy life to its fullest because that is what a man is there for. That does not satisfy Gilgamesh and he wi shes to know where to find Utnapishtim, the only man with eternal life. To find him, Gilgamesh essential locate Urshanabi, the ferry woman. She then proceeds to take him over the Ocean and over the waters of death.

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