Sunday, May 12, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Reflection - Essay ExampleThe accent has to be on what one has learnt measured against the outcomes for that grumpy course. This forms the basis for the paper and what I have learnt as far as the requirements for the stratum are concerned.As I reflect on the learnings and the way in which the course has been taught, I nip that the course has equipped me with several skills that can be used in any authorized human race setting. Ap guile from the theoretical foundations of what I have learnt, the practical skills that I have picked up would stand me in good stead. The course outcomes are geared towards preparing us for positions of leadership in educational and non-profit sectors with the expectation that we would be able to fulfill the roles in these sectors to the satisfaction of the stakeholders.As with any program that prepares students for managerial roles, the learning outcomes for this degree are tailored in such a way so as to equip us with analytical and problem solving s kills. That is the bottom line requirement for this course and one that I take to I have mastered to a certain extent.This particular outcome relates to the analysis and use of information about the student community in decision making and its subsequent use by the teachers in forming opinions and perceptions of the students that they teach. The outcomes from this course for me have been training in researching data about students and applying them to aid in decision making.I have benefited enormously from this particular outcome as the course taught me to bridge the gap between supposition and practical application. The gap between theory and practice has to be bridged and one can aspire to be a leader in any field only when they have successfully mastered the art of applying theory to real world scenarios.I have learnt to use several models of decision making and the inputs that go into each of them along with the necessary tools that aid them. As I have mentioned before, apply ing research data to real world models

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